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Everything posted by Mixilplix

  1. You will always get another chance to do things...You only get one life.....
  2. At one of my projects for work the neighbors have peacocks.....They make an awful racket...
  3. That's some good work....
  4. May need a noise suppressor on that for urban work....
  5. These lines are gettin kinda boring,,,When does the crop circle type stuff start?
  6. One of my co workers allegedly had it....I had to quarantine for 10 days...I like to believe wearing a mask and washing/sanitizing my hands and everything else kept me safe.............Does anyone else have to work with total effin idiots??
  7. I've tried many time to follow NASCAR.....I just can't.. F1 has fallen by the wayside too... Love endurance sports car racing...TT motorcycles..and WRC.. Really miss the Group B days but modern WRC is pretty nuts.. True masters of car control in all conditions...
  8. I agree with this...I don't think you should be taking it on and off ...Once it's on it should stay on until your done with it...Should be disposed of or sanitized after each use.....Am I wrong with this?
  9. Busted out the backpacking hammock today....Sad to say I've only used it one time on a trip...
  10. Collaborate and listenIce is back with my brand new invention
  11. I've been doing it for a long time....
  12. I"ve donated 12+ gallons of blood so far...I often wonder who has my blood in them.....
  13. Maybe Pence took the Presidents advice and did the injection/light in body treatment........Looks like just another publicity stunt...
  14. If anyone is interested gobros.com has 25% off all Darn Tough socks....
  15. Found a pic of this same locomotive on Ebay....
  16. We are going to start to see peoples true colors....
  17. I believe the Cannonball Run started as a way to protest the 55 mph speed limit....It's an interesting story.... Mat Best has some pretty good videos...
  18. It was a weird experience getting Global Entry......
  19. GreenThumb lawn company sprayed my lawn by accident on Friday(supposed to spray neighbors)..I came home from running and found the notice on the door...My lawn just turned green instantly with this rain...They sprayed some stuff for weeds and crabgrass too...
  20. Maybe put in some kind of drain tile to help take water away??That foundation coating absolutely sucks to work with......it gets on everything
  21. I don't wear one running either...Have a couple of masks though...
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