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Everything posted by JFskiDan

  1. Lets not replay this. Still making snow.
  2. I'm just a guy with a closet full of skis, and one pair (at least) will adjust to fit your boot. I dont entirely disagree with your short ski theory, but those skis are really short for you. Other smarter people than me will chime in here, but i think longer skis will be more of a help to you with some of the conditions we have at Blue on a regular basis.
  3. i never actually gave this any thought, but thats a valid point. You are correct though, Blues MO is to underpromise and over deliver. Be sweet to be in the lower lot, but at least the light at the end of the tunnel (next weekend, probably) is visible.
  4. since you can at least stay upright more than not, i think getting off those snowblades would be a wise move. I still have that other pair of skis in my truck, so if you want to give them a whirl have at 'em.
  5. you really are a special kind of asshole.
  6. Oh yeah, how did that go Sunday?
  7. As long as you dont put up one of those inflatable helicopter things on your lawn, im ok with just the candles. I cant put lights up when its warm out. Should be cold and possibly snowy. Need some type of risk when climbing around on my roof.
  8. that should say "cant", but im sure you guys figured that out.
  9. Can be any more environmentally harmful as pressurizing air and water to make snow. Please dont tell me you are one of these people that thinks their electric car has no carbon footprint, or thinks wind turbines produce no emissions.
  10. they will change the valley view back once the 6 opens and the line gets out of control.
  11. Tanks and submarines are awesome. Minivans are ok.
  12. I'm never going to be able to figure out where any ski joint gets snowmakers from, or how that line of work really works.....its like its feast or famine for 3 months. I work in a weather dependent type environment, but no where near how weather dependent it is to make snow.
  13. The canoe strapped to the guys roof is never a good sign. His "car art" rocks though.
  14. Last time i had them tune a pair of skis, it took like 2 weeks, so for a mount? geez, that might take a month.
  15. i'm going with "at least there is something open" at this point. And yeah, that next Sunday thing will flip flop back and forth between rain and snow, maybe go out to sea, or maybe become a tornado like 10 times before Wednesday.
  16. Rummy, whats going on at Elk? are they open? i saw on the one cam they have they made some snow.
  17. What, are you taking cell phone lessons from Salty? Turn your jitterbug up. It shows a healthy batch of snow for next Sunday. But, right now its just something to watch and dream about. Its over a week away, and like Toast said, shift north, and break out the canoe. I saw something this morning about the 5th-6th too, but we shall see.
  18. supposedly this is the "new gfs model" for next Sunday. Fresh pow on Vista! Be neat if this confirms.
  19. You could ski my shredditors again if you want, if Buckmans pulls a Camelback. Dont wanna be missing the pow this weekend. gonna be epic.
  20. Oh, i seen one of these in Vanillanova. It was in a gas station. Smelled awesome. but i was just there for the gas. (petroleum kind)
  21. I just want the 6 open at this point. Main street chair is gonna get old and crowded fast.
  22. This talk about fried chicken is not helping me make healthy decisions for lunch today.
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