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Everything posted by bigdaddyk

  1. Not at JF. They always groom the place back into shape. It is only icy after the first few hours. If you get there first thing, it is groomed over nicely. They do an outstanding job at recovering.
  2. Kind of funny that you mentioned that, because I rode a chair at JF, on Saturday, and the person I was talking to said that they heard that most places quit making snow after Feb. because of some water conservation law. That's the first I ever heard of that.
  3. Lake Harmony is usually 7 degrees colder than Palmerton.
  4. You actually lose heat through any exposed skin. They are now saying that it is a myth, that you loose most of your heat through your head. That's why I wear thermals that are made up of more polyester, than cotton. I do wear a cotton t-shirt over the thermals, since the cotton pulls any sweat away from the other shirt.
  5. I've tried on the "expensive" jackets and they don't make a difference. When it's single digits with wind, I layer up to stay outside for up to 4 hours. When people are complaining about how cold it is, I never have any problems and most of these people are wearing "expensive" items.
  6. Some of Wal Mart's stuff isn't too bad. They aren't as cheap as they used to be. I have snow pants from Wal Mart that I paid $20 for and they have lasted me four seasons. They are also really warm. I also got my jacket from Wal Mart for $40 and am on my fourth season with it. It is a three function jacket and is one of the best that I have owned. It has a water proof down shell and a detachable poly liner. Sometimes cheaper items aren't that bad, as long as you know what you are looking for.
  7. There was lots of man made powder on the trails that have the fan guns. Challenge was fun.
  8. There is also some man made and natural snow.
  9. I figured I would do one of these, since I posted about my screw ups on Thursday. Crowds were light while I was there. I was the only car on the access road, at 7:50, which made me wonder if I actually goofed up the time. Conditions were pretty good, first thing, especially considering the lousy weather, over the last couple days. The groomers did an outstanding job. Challenge was where it was at, especially on the left side. The left side was ungroomed, fan powder. I did one run on east moutain, but didn't like the way my skis were gripping, since it was harder packed and a little icy. I was surprised at how dull my edges have gotten, so I lapped 10 out of my 15 runs, through the powder on Challenge. Hopefully the weatherman goofs up, because the forecast for the weekend looks horrible.
  10. I plan on being there. This is the first I noticed this >> http://www.jfbb.com/multiblog/2008/12/20/its-hard-get-better I don't do many TR's any more because it's usually always good.
  11. I think it was just a shitty day. The diamonds underneath the double chairs look like they would be awesome, when it's not icy. They are probably as steep as anything on the north face of Sno, just not as long. I hope to get back again, once more opens up.
  12. $42 . I've done stupider things.
  13. I agree, but I'm in one of those moods where I don't feel like dealing with shit shows. I should have drove to Elk, instead of heading to ER.
  14. After ditching CB, I still wanted to ski. Shawnee wanted $50 for tickets (too much), Elk was a little farther than I wanted to drive. I wasn't about to go to Sno, after being carted to their office last Christmas, due to a screw up on their part, and not even getting an apology. Eagle Rock was on my way home, so I stopped there. I drove down to the base and checked things out from the road. There were about 25 people out. The snow looked to be groomed cord, so I got a ticket. Two runs later, I bolted. The snow was ice and the diamonds had more cookies than at Blue. It was my first time there and the place does look like it would be good, on a decent day.
  15. I left the house at 10:40 and was on the access road by 11:40. There was already a decent line of cars in front of me. I got to the parking lots and the top was already full. They were directing cars into the lower lot. I pulled into the lower lot, made a U turn and headed for home. There was still a line of cars flowing into the access road. I figured it wouldn't be crowded today, since everybody should be having dinner. I didn't feel like dealing with crowds.
  16. To the right of the last headwall, on river shot.
  17. JF will have the best snow & grooming. CB will probably have the most open (number wise), JF will probably be second. CB and Blue will definately be more crowded, although they have high speed lifts. JF will also have crowds, but they have enough lifts that the lines rarely become an issue. JF is also spread out more, so it helps spread out the crowds, since everybody doesn't filter to one or two lifts. JF also offers tree skiing. If you want longer runs, Blue would be the one to pick, if crowds don't bother you.
  18. Were you in the park all day? They were blowing on Exhibition, but I didn't have any problems with the snow. From Exhibition east, the guns were off, when I was there. I avoided the triple chairs, though, because those are right over the guns. I didn't head west of Exhibition.
  19. conditions were excellent from 9-11, while I was there. A little sleet started to mix in when I left.
  20. After getting 3 inches of rain, they did an excellent job of grooming. Exhibition had the best snow. I spent most of my day lapping that.
  21. Hours are kind of goofey, considering college breaks are starting.
  22. Should be pretty decent. They have half of the trails listed as being open, including exhibition, which takes a lot of snow to cover. Most of the center of the mountain is listed as being open, which is where I spend most of my time, anyway.
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