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Everything posted by Shadows

  1. Why didn't jo get a debate? She's on the ballot.
  2. [i]you've[/i] never heard of berks hot dogs?
  3. So the snowmaking bar is Dirt. Got it.
  4. Wouldn't it be safer to just run 7 people up instead of finnageling someone off the lift?
  5. Its completely safe to stereotype now; trump supporters are the ones who aren't cautious. Keep up kyle.
  6. Is that normal? Lokks like you're on top of a school of fish. Thats cheating
  7. That's the topic currently being discussed Kyle. Being safe vs not on the ski slopes.
  8. It doesn't matter who does what or who starts it. You got one group not being cautious and getting on the lift willy nilly then you got a group of 3 or 2 or a single who is cautious. Either way it messes up the lift line and people need to wait. Get mad at the people being cautious? I wonder how many trump flags well see even after the election
  9. Ain't nobody going to cooper for THREE days lol.
  10. There are going to be so many angry people that show up and don't know what to do. Hope they trained some customer services peeps.
  11. 4th st is bumping. Lots of college kids. Main st was absurd this morning.
  12. Does this place always go to religion at the farthest point from last ski season?
  13. what side are you talking about here lololololol
  14. This thread should fall on the d.
  15. Getting ready to fake his own death?
  16. Does bear even hit any "limit" nowadays in the first place?
  17. I meant cause you're in Boulder. I'm drunk don't mind me.
  18. Theres a bridge on 222 that advertises it i think. Thought it was out of Kutztown. Idk.
  19. is that the anthracite tour thing i always see advertised down there?
  20. Gun shows are the places you get guns immediately with no background check right?
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