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Everything posted by Shadows

  1. What happened to nmski? He really mad? Wasnt calling him racist... 🙁
  2. I buy 3 sets of tools for buildings. Specific set for bathrooms. Set for office desks, and set for break rooms. Minimal cross contamination.
  3. they redid the dome a while ago. that was cool to see.
  4. Sounds like Florida needs to stop testing.
  5. I'm not following covid. How the hell is Georgia that lower than florida?
  6. 3gpm? How do you take showers?
  7. I thought about making a recycling pickup service for all the splash shields and shit when covid goes away.
  8. One of each of these two. Beautiful sentence.
  9. Please. Idgaf what pasr peeps say to me. We coo Except Jordan fuck him
  10. Well this was fun. Ill see this post again during the next lockdown. Carry on.
  11. Definition of communism is debatable. Racism isnt debatable. Yes.
  12. See, this is kind of the point... Only if they were actually racist or hateful. If you stand behind some that is then you are too.
  13. One of my suppliers has trump and anti communist shit all over their office. I try to be apolitical with business but I may have to find a new supplier
  14. My route is down 3rd not 4th so I never see that. Damn.
  15. hookah bar was still packed last night in bethlum. I guess ill just get my haircut next week and prepare for another lockdown.
  16. When I was reading up on this equal housing stuff the only way to discriminate is if the whole hood is 55+. Can normal HOAs just have a gate? How is it legal to not have trash pickup? And what kinda of snobby person wants to live in an uppity hood with no trash collection?
  17. I called out sexkitten a while ago. Family friendly lol.
  18. No, you can. You absolutely can. Fuck deer.
  19. Shadows

    Elk Sold

    Maybe you can make enough money from selling it to retire.
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