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Everything posted by Shadows

  1. yea, ill go down with you tre/knuckle. if i have money left over/saved for msp/tgr
  2. definitley i won a copy of sh6 last year, they doin any raffle again?
  3. nevermind... its a ski movie and if its anything like SH6 you will want to check it out even if you dont ski
  4. so, did it sell? (i didnt read anything, too lazy)
  5. are they rotating pictures on the site? or did they just take them down?
  6. i know i told you thursday, but as papa said, both are school nights so it doesnt matter. im definitely going. the last one was awesome
  7. i think im gonna go up to blue this weekend, maybe tomorrow.
  8. can we not discuss this in blues thread. the only place rangers/ski patrol is a problem is at cb. ive never seen any patrol at blue do something stupid in the park. i will say this though...if you jump without a spotter, you pretty much are at fault. (in most cases)
  9. you got in trouble for just using a jump?
  10. ^i sent them an email saying "im going to buy my season pass soon, but before i do i was wondering how much i would need to spend on a park pass. thanks, i would appreciate it if you let me know before i bought my pass next month"
  11. no its not, thats another shitty idea.
  12. wow, thanks a lot. thats exactly what i was trying to find out. how long does it take to get to a mtn? anything else you know would be greatly appreciated and welcome!
  13. weber U...ogden utah just one of my choices. its hard to find a good tech school near mtns
  14. i am most defininitely set on going west for college. it will happen. not going west is not an option
  15. or just offer a free saftey course or something. put a sign up that says you 'sould/must' atttend a safety course
  16. what kind of deterent could we have? i mean, it cant be something huge that sparks interest and sticks out. but it also has to keep people out... no rentals in the park? no one under 11 in the park?
  17. i just called them, and honestly... it takes forever to talk to someone (push this, push that, then this etc) then you have to push even more shit to get the right departement you want, its all messed up so i get the season pass office, it rings and rings, so i get their voice mail. "leave a message blah blah blah" i wouldve liked to have something say "thank you for calling bear creek season pass office, our hours are ?-?" they need to work on the phone system (unless this is just a summer thing)
  18. youre homeless? skibearcreek@skibearcreek.com
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