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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. It is absolutely dumping now in Silverthorne and super firece winds.
  2. Raining in Silverthorne...snowing in the mountains.
  3. Steady rain now at Silverthorne..it will change back to snow tonight. Crazy seeing green grass outside where there was snow this morning. Looks to be rain right now at ski area bases and snow mid mountain up..tomorrow looks like another big day and Monday could be a pow day as well.
  4. Nice lifestyle shots. We might have to bring back the photo contest...I remember one of the prizes was hand knit jawns..
  5. Good then they’ll be some new posts when I wake up especially here 2 hours behind all y’all
  6. I ordered cup of the soup they gave me a bowl and charged me for a cup..didn’t even need to do quick maths
  7. They probably go through a lot more avocados than basic butch avacado toast sandwich spots...
  8. Day 3 of 6.:Copper mountain... I was up early and enjoyed the free breakfast had bagel with two kinds of jelly, two clementines and coffee. Was on the road by 730 and pulled into copper pay lot by the base of the super bee lift by 750 and already half filled lot...lot unplowed but managed not to get feet wet..temperature right around freezing everything covered in a foot of snow..got to ticket line which was inside by the rental shop real satellite staffing now and today was a big April day for them. Only one guy selling tickets and rentals..line of 7-8 grew to 15 by the time I bought ticket at soup nazi precision had card out and buddy pass $79..while I was signing receipt he was already selling next ticket. Got into super bee line maybe 80 people I was in 5th row or so they dropped the rope we all skied through untracked snow in kiftkine human groomers and boarders stuck and people dicking around with RFID I snuck my way past a couple dozen of them and on one of the first six packs. Problem was they hadn’t cleaned the snow yet off the chairs so a fanny flap would have been handy. Guy with broom was doing his best but one person and a six pack full speed is a lot for a foot of snow. Lift stopped a few times on way up got to watch wallets ski down ththe middle of blue groomers with deep dense pow..saw a few wipe outs for sure. First run skied to mid mountain all untracked some runs had to go to sides for untracked up to the top and down a main dark blue route which was rowdy and an area where there are multiple lifts didn’t like that skied woods rest of the way down until I got to grooming service building then untracked on entire lower mountain fat skis really excel at getting through lower angle untracked. Also did my good deed for the day guided two kids out of wide open glades that funnel into tight trees. Had to Hollywood a little for them was wide open. Ended up on a green to the base people stuck everywhere. Needed to get away from the crowds so took the American flyer lift up which goes village to 2/3 or the way up like 2 miles and 2k of vert then skied down to the Sierra lift was stopped had a big line went on rendezvous lift which is all meadow skipping don’t think I’ve ever taken that lift Pretty much got speed off others tracks in flats there’s one decent face that people were hoofing to that I used their tracks to get to it..real deep up there but I needed pitch so sucked it up and waited in line for Sierra lift singles line quick rode up with two Lyndsey Dyer look alikes took surface lift up to peak then skied a cirque kind of run..was somewhere between untracked and sloppy seconds. Rode sierra lift one last time and went down mini cornice deep nobody goes that way early because it dumps into timberline area but I know a good route where you stay above timberline area longer and dump out on the herb routes lower had that to myself ended on a Blue which was untracked entire left side to timberline lift moderate lift line where did all these people come from..14” new 10” overnight brings the people out. Snow didn’t really stop I was sort of wet legs were tired but all snow I can handle. Had people ask me about my fat skis..found more fresh mid mountain woods don’t always follow people into woods there’s streams and shit...was able to ski almost back to the bus stop..parking lot was a raging stream and new snow at the base was down to a few inches No snow in Frisco
  9. I looked at the Blue webcam from the woods at Copper mountain...I skied lots of woods today and just sides of trails where untracked remained. In Frisco now having some Tortilla soup...
  10. I thought you liked hard snow..my prediction is all the loose snow from this afternoon will groom out nicely and tomorrow will be the better weekend day at Blue the true!!!! Didn’t look busy on the webcams. Enjoy sausage Sunday!!!
  11. Doesn’t have to be below freezing for the snow to set up. Tonight will set up real good.
  12. SallyCat I like that you’re an earlybird...
  13. Not that crowded. Haven’t waited more than 2 minutes in a line. Somebody said they were projecting 5500 day tickets sold.
  14. Thanks I think I’m going to ruby tuesdays tonight. I like their ribeye steak and salad bar.
  15. Nice morning so far. Have skied 5-6 runs so far. Just about fully tracked out now this is my last run off the Sierra lift. I tried to take a good amount of pictures but pow pictures aren’t the same without action shots.
  16. Lots of snow at copper. In a long ticket line but will be in line in a few.
  17. I think I’m going to copper mountain today. They received 14” in the last 24 hours and 9” overnight and still snowing. Copper opens all lifts at 830am while ABasin only opens up base lifts at 830 and upper lifts at 9 which would mean two waits for the goods..more pow hounds and less terrain. The two day ticket I bought yesterday at basin is also 2 of 7 days so I don’t have to return there today.
  18. 9” new at ABasin last 24 hours. Loveland has 10” new and winter park 18”. Still snowing in the mountains. Looks to end soon then start again tonight.
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