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Insanely crowded 3-6-09

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I left CB, after some morning runs, and thought that I would stop in at JF, to see what was going on. After turning off of 940 onto Jack Frost Mt. road, only 2/10 or 3/10 of a mile, there was already a line of cars parked on the left hand side of the road :blink::blink: . I've heard stories about cars being parked out to the red light, but had a hard time believing it, until today. I about shit myself, because I've always avoided the place on WMMR day, but was curious to see the carboard box races. People were walking in ski boots and had over a 1.5 mile walk to go, on just the access road...that's nuts ( I can also imagine what the bottom of the boots would look like). Cars were also parked on both sides of the road, that goes up to the golf course. Needless to say, I found a place to turn around and get out of there, since I already had my runs in for the day. The cash registers are probably going to burn out, after today.

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Approximately 4000 WMMR tickets sold. All those drunks spend plenty of money on food and drinks. It's a gold mine. No matter how many bartenders/purchase points there are it's impossible to keep up with the demand for drinks.


Cha. Ching.

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Approximately 4000 WMMR tickets sold. All those drunks spend plenty of money on food and drinks. It's a gold mine. No matter how many bartenders/purchase points there are it's impossible to keep up with the demand for drinks.


Cha. Ching.

Make that 3,990, Fluff.

Still waiting for your response, ole' buddy.

Fair is Fair.

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Pulled into the access road at 8:50 this morning. I made it about halfway up it before I ran into a line of cars. By 9:10 the first set of lots (on the left on the way in) were full. By 10 am the only open spots were the ones on the access road(as seen from the top of the East Mountain Lift). For as many cars as were there, the trails were not that crowded. The longest lift line was about a 8 chair wait The snow was nice soft cord early but by noon it was slush and extremely slow in the flat areas. Lapped thunderbolt challenge, river shot and floyds till about 1:30 then went for some beers. Most of the crowd seemed to be there for the cardboard classic. I didn't see who won but there were two sleds that stood out, one was a Marshall Stack and the other a Radio Flyer wagon. They were both put together really well. This day had to have been a gold mine for Jack Frost. While I was waiting in line to get my pass, I noticed plenty of people buying regular priced tickets and those that had the cheap tickets were still paying $25 for rental equipment. From what I saw the bar was packed most of the day. Hung around until about 4:30 to leave to give the crowd time to disperse before trying to get out of the parking lot.

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4000 X 9 = $36000. I hope they got all those Phillly assholes for a bunch of $6 beers. CB does more than that in tubing alone on a weekend. What a joke.



What's your grudge with JFBB? There were probably also plenty of tickets that were sold at regular price.


Anyone going to be there on Sunday?


In the afternoon.

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What's your grudge with JFBB? There were probably also plenty of tickets that were sold at regular price.

No grudge at all. Nice place for the snow, great bar but all the trails are the same. I'm making my point about volume of business. 4000 people is nothing! The title of this post is Insanely crowded 3-6-09. Blue and CB regularly have over 10,000 people on weekends. To get 4000 people at $9 bucks a pop is pathetic.

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10,000 people on the wekends? whoa. arent the lift lines kinda long?


i think camelback would love to have 4000 people on a weekeday. and, oh yeah, isnt it camelback that is letting people ski for free now? theres a money maker for sure.

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Do any of you people actually ski?

I'm talking about you people writing comments here in the forum about a place you did not go to on a day that

actually had good skiing, no lift lines, no crowds on the hill, and one hell of really cool party going on at the same time.

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You just offended a whole lot of Camelback skiers..lol..


didnt mean to offend anyone. i just think 10,000 people is alot of people to be sharing the lifts with. i honestly have no idea how many people attend any mountain on any given weekend day.

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