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JF 1/15


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Out this morning, 9 degrees, sunny, a little windy blowing up the hill slowing you down on the groomers. Met up with Dan, PC and Dom for a couple runs. Blowing a lot of snow on Floyd's - might be open tomorrow.


E-glade was a little crunchy, elevator is getting better. Run of the day was still Challenge glade (watch out for the snow snakes though).



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We got a little coating of snow overnight which i think equates to about 4" on the JFBB ruler that they use for measuring snow. nice day today, everything skied real nice, except maybe the most right hand side of challange glade, both John and I found some things that had a negative effect on our forward momentum, and learned that gravity is in fact still working at Jack Frost. Nice to make some runs with C1, John and Dom today. like C1 said, they are absoulutly pounding Floyds with snow, and risk it seems to be benefiting from that. From the looks of Floyds, i would think R2 will be able to ski lehigh on monday, as they were blowing on that as well.

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Fun day. Best of the season so far for me. Good to ski with the crew. The force was with Vader, Happyland made me very happy and the Vader glade was prime. Lots of chalky man made powder everywhere. Risk it is near completion. Floyds was getting blitzed with man made goodness.


Phillycore issued a challenge to see if at least 10 turns could be made on the elevator. I managed 12 although some would say that my methods were shady.

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Hey that was my snowsnake....lol Going mach 20 down challenge glade threading some trees, then snowsnake sent me air mail into a tree. Didn't get hurt, but it probably could've been pretty bad.

I need to start self preservating a little more and slow down when the conditions start to fade. I see fresh snow and I head for it.... not always a good idea.

Conditions weren't as good as yesterday, but good nevertheless. Domenik was straight killing e-glade, and he upped my anty on elevator as well. I could only muster 10, and that was REALLY stretching the hell out of it horizontally. My quick hop turn skills need some work.. All in all it was a good day. One of our fellow instructors (snowboard) took a nasty fall around 1:30 and knocked herself unconscious smacking the back of her head into the snow....Not good seeing anyone like that, she did manage to come to a little bit although she didn't know where she was or how she got there.... Patrol arrived as a few other instructors and I waved skiers/boarders away from the scene and a patron continued to talk to her and got her name. Once I heard her name I realized it was the Daughter of one of my pod-mates, so I bolted off in search. Not sure the outcome, but I know she had to have a pretty bad concussion. Her father was located by one of the race coaches and was able to go with his daughter in the ambulance from what I had heard.

I wish the excitement ended there, but on my way home I got stuck in traffic around the lehigh valley exit for 20 minutes or so until I passed a car accident where the car was upside down.

and my journey got even more exciting on the blue route just before the Rt. 1 exit.

I was in the left hand lane doing around 70-75mph following a silver pickup truck when all of a sudden a ladder from off the top of his ladder rack slid off and was headed directly to my windshield. I'm not sure how the hell I managed to avoid the damn thing, all I know is I jerked the wheel and swear my suv went up on 2 wheels and the next thing I know was I was passed the son of a bitch.

I don't know what happened with the ladder or the truck other than I remember seeing his brake lights light up about the same time I jerked the wheel into the shoulder and I sure as hell hope noone behind me hit that damn ladder. I guess I'll find out on the news tonight, because if that ladder was hit, I'm sure it made for one hell of a mess on rt 476s.

That was some seriously scary shit though I'll tell you that much. Nothing like seeing a damn ladder coming at your head at 75mph. I just knew I'd rather smack the guard rail that get decapitated by the damn thing....... enough excitement for today, I'm not leaving the damn house for the rest of the night!!!

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Ok so let me get this straight when it comes to skiing footage you make it happen quick. But when it comes to MTB footage you hand it over to me. What up wit dat homie?


Good footage man, glad you made out good with the ladder, and hope everything is ok with the girl who got hurt.


Ridge Racer, fwiw, the landing in sync with the ending of the song, I am sure was completely accidental, but he will pass it off as meant to happen...lol

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The damn gopro videos make me seasick.... Skiing videos in pa are short, mtb videos not so much. I really didn't edit anything... just start and stop point than looked at songs with the same length as the video... that one was close so I adjusted to fit.... I put it up to show the conditions pretty much...

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The damn gopro videos make me seasick.... Skiing videos in pa are short, mtb videos not so much. I really didn't edit anything... just start and stop point than looked at songs with the same length as the video... that one was close so I adjusted to fit.... I put it up to show the conditions pretty much...


Gopro videos are what you make them I can only take so much pov. All my videos are with a Gopro and use very little if any pov.

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