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Another one bites the dust


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Sadly it appears my season is over. I've had a lot of complications from my surgery and after seeing 3 doctors today they all agreed that I have a bunch of internal problems that mean I can't do anything physical for about 2 - 2.5 months. Clearly rock climbing & lifting at the gym are out, and I protested on the snowboarding saying I don't fall (if I don't do the park), but the doctors agreed that we're not talking hardcore snowboarding verse cruising around, they're saying I can't take stairs two at a time or jog twenty feet or lift a heavy box on the floor without ending up in a hospital. My primary doctor told me I have the most dangerously enlarged spleen he has ever seen in his 35 years of being a doctor and if I tear it I will die faster than they could ever get me to a hospital. So this years over for me, I'm looking into possibly doing a summer camp at Whistler or Mt Hood because by then I could be ok, but I'm not sure if I'll have the money (although I had budgeted for 3 lift tickets per week all season plus a big vacation and now I had to cancel it all), but certainly none of the pocono area mountains will still be open by the time I can start up again. My only consolation is that this winter has sucked hardcore and after a few months I'll be back to normal and fine next season but man, has this been the shittiest day ever.

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Sadly it appears my season is over. I've had a lot of complications from my surgery and after seeing 3 doctors today they all agreed that I have a bunch of internal problems that mean I can't do anything physical for about 2 - 2.5 months. Clearly rock climbing & lifting at the gym are out, and I protested on the snowboarding saying I don't fall (if I don't do the park), but the doctors agreed that we're not talking hardcore snowboarding verse cruising around, they're saying I can't take stairs two at a time or jog twenty feet or lift a heavy box on the floor without ending up in a hospital. My primary doctor told me I have the most dangerously enlarged spleen he has ever seen in his 35 years of being a doctor and if I tear it I will die faster than they could ever get me to a hospital. So this years over for me, I'm looking into possibly doing a summer camp at Whistler or Mt Hood because by then I could be ok, but I'm not sure if I'll have the money (although I had budgeted for 3 lift tickets per week all season plus a big vacation and now I had to cancel it all), but certainly none of the pocono area mountains will still be open by the time I can start up again. My only consolation is that this winter has sucked hardcore and after a few months I'll be back to normal and fine next season but man, has this been the shittiest day ever.



Wow, sorry to hear that. can't they just cut the little f#$*er out? you could be riding again in a couple of weeks.

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I originally did it sailing at University of Delaware. I was pulling a full time workload in school with 4 hour practices 6 days a week for Sailing Team and somewhere along the way got mono and didn't realize because I just generally exhausted everyday sick or not. You know how they tell you not to do anything physical when you have mono? Well one day after 4 hours of practice we got to shore and had to drag the boats onto the beach but it was low tide and muddy as hell and I sank about knee deep in the mud dragging a 250 pound boat through that shit with one other guy, and somewhere along the way ripped my spleen. The nurse I saw about 10 hours later incorrectly diagnosed me as having food poisioning but that was incorrect. I didn't know about it, the spleen eventually healed, and then I had surgery to remove a wisdom tooth (that was really infected due to the lack of immune system I have) and the medication plus the shock of surgery and stiches blew the spleen up again. Now its about to rupture without the physical activity, so add that in and it will be sure to rip and this time it will most likely be fatal so I have to be super careful.


I'll still be on here I want to see how the season turns out because I'm planning to get a season pass to one of the pocono mountains next year and I want to see which one, plus at least I can see some pictures and shit so that keeps me going. I'm mad its happened but glad I found out before I ended up killing myself. One of the doctors mentioned that a big portion of fatalities in car crashes come from people ripping their spleen and apparently it is so toxic it kills you before they can get you to the hospital, even if you are healthy. It is pretty sobering having a bunch of doctors tell you that you almost just died by doing your normal routine. I just don't know what the fuck I'm going to do with myself because all of my hobbies are physical, snowboarding, skiing, rock climbing, wakeboarding, skateboarding, going the gym, I can't do anything. I guess I'll have to pick up videogames and poker and posting here incessantly.

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I am so sorry to hear that Method.


Listen to your Doctors you don't want to mess around with your spleen. Your Doctors are right, the spleen just like the liver is a blood soaked organ. Be careful and make sure you refrain from ALL activities. Remember: abdomen pain, shoulder pain, nausea, weakness are some of the signs to look for with regard to spleen problems. Don't push away the signs as nothing, get them checked.


Sorry had to offer up that little bit, hope you get better soon Method! Stay in touch on here!

Edited by bbg
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that sucks so bad man...sorry to hear that.

my friend slipped on ice and fell off a ledge last nite...no snowobarding for 4-6 weeks

BTW method, how'd you origianlly get hurt?

What did your friend actually do, because I broke my left fibula in late November, and was told 6 weeks in a cast, and then maybe 2 weeks of rehab, and I could ski again. At the 6 week mark, it was "well, 8 weeks was a minimum, we'll wait and see". At the 8 week mark, it was, without hesitation, "no matter what, you need 12 weeks to be healed enough to ski." So, just tell your friend to not get his/her hopes up, because the time that a doctor says isn't always correct. I am still not skiing...two more weeks...hope your friend feels better soon...

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