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Everything posted by enjoralas

  1. You'll be able to get 12mm out of most bindings, typically all in the heel so you'll be a bit more forward that before. Do you know what bindings you have now?
  2. And could hit Sugarbush this spring if you want to
  3. I gotta swing by Wegmans tomorrow and see if they have a nice Raclette.
  4. Depends on if you think skiing 3 inches of fresh snow on Frost's terrain is better than skiing an inch of fresh snow on Blue's terrain. Especially with maybe two weekends of skiing in PA left, I know what I would pick. Also have to factor in free lunch tomorrow in the Vista ballroom (don't forget to RSVP!)
  5. Saturday, passholder lunch after skiing. Probably Sunday. Not sure if there will be cooking or save the effort for next Sunday
  6. More than the fan guns going tonight. You're my boy Blue!
  7. Looks like all the fan guns just came on. The horseshoe, bottom of Midway, they're all going
  8. Yeah, Corbett's has some really nice deals right now, helped by the exchange rate. Although the prices on some of their skis was apparently a mistake and went up after the first few hours. Should have jumped when I saw it . . .
  9. Yup, Faceplace post today. And if they are making snow tonight, surely they will the other nights this week it looks to be cold enough. . .
  10. More excited about them saying they will be making snow tonight
  11. Seems like it. There's more people that can't make the 26th, and that chances not having enough snow
  12. Figured might as well get an official thread started, we've had some lot talk about it but nothing concrete. Is 3/19 general consensus for the best date for Gaper Day? Or do we want to wait and see if/how much snow they make this week before ruling out the 26th?
  13. Actually, we're out on Montage. Looked up those promo tickets I bought and this whole weekend is blacked out. We'll be at Blue.
  14. Yeah, looks like we are going to hit Montage tomorrow. Wish they had a trail report posted that was newer than Thursday though
  15. Had to check it out after you posted. Messing around, found this really cool shot in the submitted 360 pics: https://www.google.com/maps/@40.820945,-75.5132217,3a,75y,12.1h,73.98t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPKeBfU0_qzhzc37_KcXDpt-rzYykKhoe_k8j9g!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPKeBfU0_qzhzc37_KcXDpt-rzYykKhoe_k8j9g%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-10-ya340-ro0-fo100!7i8192!8i4096
  16. I couldn't drag my kids away from the goat zone at Oktoberfest. Might bring them up Saturday evening for cosmic tubing followed by fireworks up top.
  17. Probably we oughta be thinking about talking about considering when will be the day of gaping. Everyone loves doing it Sunday, so is 3/19 the only logical choice? Pushing to 3/26 too risky?
  18. Yes Saturday, Sunday might be Montage. Have to decide if we wanna go up there with their big mountain shin dig going on.
  19. Finally got the kids out for a night session. Really enjoyed the snow. Grayson's first run down Coming Soon tonight, he crushed it, for a pizza turner anyway. Best moment of the night for me was when we split up and he and Pops did Widow Midway Lower while Bubba and I did full Main. Stopped to wait across the intersection while Pops sent him ahead down Midway and as he got to Main he did a full, unprompted, head-turned uphill clearance check. So proud, lol.
  20. That's the only option, unless you can get by with an off peak pass. They won't sell it to him. They specifically spell out that kid has to be 9 at the end of December. They do. At least, they did for the free 4 and under pass. I haven't bought Grayson's child pass yet, so can't say 100% for sure, but given that they have in the past, I would bet on it.
  21. Decent coating looking out my window here in Northampton
  22. Today was Pops triumphant return to slopes after his fall busted his knee up a couple weeks ago and we put in a pretty decent session then visit Last Run Lounge for an hour or so before picking the boys up from Adventure Camp. Super variable conditions all over the mountain but tried to find the best of it wherever we went. Pizza party tomorrow..
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