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Everything posted by saltyant

  1. See? Enjorales knows I wasn't joking. There are secret piles of snow that they need to spread around. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
  2. A what?? Nope, that was my legitimate picture from when I attached my GoPro Hero+ to my ski pole.
  3. Just having some fun and satirizing Camelback. The best was when I proposed a PASR Camelback snowtubing meetup. Hope you can forgive me. I'll be serious from now on.
  4. Ok. At least I got some good laughs today trying to defend CB and their nonsense, which started when they posted "Big announcement coming soon", and seeing how you guys responded.
  5. Uh oh. I think you guys finally figured out my masterful art of trolling...
  6. Haha, thanks. I don't actually care when they open because I'm having way too much fun with this thread.
  7. Correct. This is only my 2nd year skiing and I haven't done the scary double blacks at Blue yet. But I trust that CB will not let us down !
  8. I didn't see any tubing lanes, so my guess is no. I'll analyze the video tonight to determine the precise location. I think in one part of the video, you can see some waterslides or something on the edge of the video. I can use the waterslides to pinpoint the exact black diamond they are grooming.
  9. I might drive out there this weekend and take some pictures to prove that these webcam images are several weeks old.
  10. What will those 10 trails be covered with? Pixie dust?? Yesterday they posted a video of the cat grooming all the fresh powder. I think the powder is just too concentrated right now and they need to spread it around the mountain.
  11. Nope. They said this is a "big" announcement. You'll see, they'll surprise everyone and open 10 trails at once.
  12. It's only been 43 hours since they announced that a big announcement is coming soon. We just need to get them more time to prepare the announcement.
  13. It's happening...soon! My F5 key is getting worn out from refreshing the CB website.
  14. Their website has been screwed up lately. The webcams are coming up really small, making it hard to see how much snow there is. My guess is the webcams are frozen due to a technical glitch, and there's actually much more snow there than we're seeing.
  15. With a little help from Ullr and maybe 1 or 2 volcanic sacrifices you guys will be tubing in no time.
  16. Yeah, my entry level Elons aren't the greatest for sloppy conditions.
  17. I would love that. As much as I am enjoying the early season, Midway was a pain in the ass to get down. I just spent a month rehabilitating my knee from a cycling injury and don't feel like messing up my knee this early in the season from those damned death cookies. But I think Upper Main would be in good shape since it's a straight shot down.
  18. I can't believe it was 62 in Palmerton today. Ouch! That must have hurt the snowpack a little.
  19. Major announcement coming soon. You never know, I might be cruising down Marjie's Delight in a mere 72 hours.
  20. How will Midway be? Death cookies? Boiler plate? Ice? Moguls? Place your bets.
  21. I was actually just setting you up to quote one of my favorite movies. Sad face
  22. So you're telling me there's a chance? Like one in a thousand???
  23. Does this mean a PASR snowtubing meetup? It's normally $35, but with 20 people we might get the $20 group rate.
  24. I've been tracking these daily for the last month, and it seems that the same pattern will stick around for at least a few days at a time. Plus, when we got the cold spell a few weeks ago, this map predicted it. But yeah, it could just as easily turn back to all red in a few days. Johnny Law, impressive analysis. Are you a professional meteorologist?
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