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Everything posted by RidgeRacer

  1. Just curious. What does mountains with soul actually mean? Old lifts, trees, the vibe?
  2. They had to go there with Starscream's death at 2.09. They just HAD to freaking go there!!
  3. This is what it looked like in LA. Pretty cool. .
  4. As usual we get the shaft here in the East. The snow sucks, The Mountains suck (for the most part). The scenery isnt as nice while the west gets to see cool shit like the Northern Lights and solar eclipses. Utah ski resorts are actually opening up for the this so it should be cool. http://www.cnn.com/2....html?hpt=hp_t3
  5. Please make sure you're sitting down when you read this but yes. That is about what we got last winter. (GASP). And most of that came during one storm in October before any ski area was even open. Given that we average 50 to 70 in the higher elevations of the Poconos, snowmaking temps were margional for most of the seaon and an extremely warm March yeah I'd say it sucked. I live 10 minutes from JFBB and shoveled snow once...In October!. Thank you to the Wright Brothers for airplanes and thank you to Brigam Young for Utah.
  6. Describes me perfectly. Im bringing shiznit back and adding "izzle" to the end of nouns. Now off to listen to the theme song from "friends" as performed by the Rembrandts.
  7. And yes skittletinis are the shiznit. (Do people still say shiznit?)
  8. You stole my phone bastard.
  9. Domenick drinks skittletinis and uses moist towelettes while docking grilledsteeze you'vebeenhacked...kinda
  10. Johnny Law was haulin' ass on the sheet of ice that was President's Day night at Blue. I can only imagine what he does in good snow.
  11. The real tragedy about this video is that the person who put it up on Youtube probably heard that song in a French "discotheque" in Chamonix and thought that it would make an awesome soundtrack for their wicked crevase video.
  12. I don't get the prominence stat. How's it different from vertical?
  13. No Pics sorry. Decided to go on a whim with my kid to make my last turns of the season. (Ending the season on March 24th sounds a lot better than March 17th). Anyway they had Boulder Park, Drauf and Bunny Schuss open. Drauf and Bunny Schuss were total WROD's - no features. Lots of fun but extremely narrow. Boulder park was loaded with features (and snow actually - a few bare spots on BP but nothing crazy.). Everything else is dirt and grass. The place was actually pretty crowded. Fun day to end the season with 27 days total (horrible) and 8 different mountains (not so horrible).
  14. You can always go to BB. They supposely have 4 or 5 trails open.
  15. lol. Was it the lack of snow or the voyer shots? Either way this is one of the most unique TRs ever posted on PASR.
  16. K Mart's down to 13 trails (really only Outer Limits and Superstar).
  17. Bump. Whiteface closes on sunday. When's the last time they closed in March?
  18. hahaha! You don't see that quality in Tahoe.
  19. Props to them for doing right by the passholders.
  20. Nice tr. Doesnt look too bad. By the way I love your random people standing around shots.. Lol.
  21. This. Although I didn't take advantage of it this year (Tuesday's were tough) I will next year. Best deal in PA (next to the alien pass at CB).
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