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Everything posted by theprogram4

  1. 😂😂😂 the radicalization of TP4 has begun
  2. I feel ashamed. I deserve to have misfortune come my way
  3. Just got my J+J vaccine smh. Send vibes that I catch a side effect and die. Feel so cheap right now
  4. There is no way to know that as his posting privileges no longer exist
  5. There is a 50-50 chance that at this time tomorrow, I will walk into my storage bedroom to see the ceiling completely collapsed, had some nice new leaks during the 30 minute red cell last week and it is starting to bow. Luckily my sleeping bedroom is leak free. Getting buckets set up around the house tonight
  6. Looks like I’m getting vaccinated against my will. Pretty pissed off but I’m the best man in a wedding requiring vaccines. Wanna get the J+J so I can be one and done. Completely bitch move on my part, but I’m a very selfless person and will just have to suck it up and go against what is in my best health. I hope the vaccine gives me Covid and kills me, so on my death bed I can point my fingers at the world and on my last breath yell “I told you the vaccine was bullshit!”
  7. Storm moved a little north, decreasing totals down here, but raising them a little in the Lehigh valley
  8. Has everyone built their arc for Wednesday? I finished mine last night but won’t have time to get the animals
  9. You said you are against J+J as it isn’t efficient. J+J is a vaxx, and the definition of anti is “opposed to; against.” If you are against a vaccine, wouldn’t that make you anti-vaxx? (Relax, it’s not that serious)
  10. Disappointed by the lack of rain down this way, was expecting a washout
  11. According to multiple people in those comments, anyone who goes to JHole is a nazi
  12. This is so entertaining. I’ve always wondered why these radical wack jobs even go to Utah and Wyoming to ski with the deplorables, California has plenty of resorts
  13. This is from the Hippocratic Oath doctors take: “I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.” I don’t see any exceptions to this oath for the non-vaccinated
  14. Definitely interesting to deny medical attention disproportionately to black and Hispanic patients. Using PASR logic, smokers who suffer heart attacks or cancer should be left to die with no treatment?
  15. Lol at PASR supporting modern day Jim Crow
  16. downstairs window unit is set at 69 (not as a joke, argued between 68 and 70, compromised at 69). Can be tough having 1 single window unit for the entire downstairs, but having 3 ceiling fans is handy. The window unit in my room is bigger and could cool the whole downstairs, but it’s stuck on 72 and the energy efficient mode doesn’t work, so only use it when I sleep. Have another unit that could be used as a second downstairs unit, but energy bill is high enough already and I think the inside of the unit has mold, plus it’s stuck on 70 and also doesn’t go into the energy efficient mode
  17. Pretty bummed out about the pipeline. I enjoy seeing the signs along the road from pissed off people. There has been a pipeline controversy in central Chester county for the past 4ish years and the concerned residents Facebook pages are pretty entertaining to read.
  18. Blue Mountain Racing Resorts? They are now only open on weekend mornings for the race team, we all show up at noon
  19. I found a baby mouse alive but unable to walk on its own yet. I Put it near the woods so it wouldn’t get run over, but it probably can’t survive. I’m thinking maybe a bird dropped it
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