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Everything posted by theprogram4

  1. What the fuck? That’s one of the most absurd things I’ve ever heard
  2. I was literally saying on the lift Sunday that I’m overdue to find a $50 bill, it’s been over ten years since I last did. I found a few $1 bills the past year or two, but overdue for something. Last good haul was $60 me and Matt edge found on switchback
  3. Thank you, Merry Christmas as well! I was pleasantly surprised to see my Hobby Lobby shopping bag said “Merry Christmas!”
  4. As soon as I saw his picture it all made sense. His Twitter page is fun
  5. I thought the same thing. Benzo addiction is significantly worse than anything Covid could do
  6. The disease of liberalism is more damaging than Covid could ever dream of being
  7. The same people scared of omicron are totally ok with Alec Baldwin walking around free, even though they both have killed the same amount of people
  8. If people stopped acting like cowards and lived their lives, this pandemic bullshit would be over by now
  9. It’s been almost 2 years of this Covid bullshit and people are actually scared of omicron lol
  10. My offer is tree fiddy each and a sixer of yoo-hoos
  11. I assume Flyers get the wells fsrgo lot, which will leave alot of Eagles fans with no place to park
  12. If between Sunday and Tuesday there is an outbreak with the Eagles similar to what Washington is going through now, will the nfl push the game back? I’m thinking no also, I’m curious how a Tuesday night game will effect prices on stub hub and nfl ticket exchange. Monday and Thursday night games tend to price out a little lower
  13. It happened during the Wuss Bowl of I think 2010 when they moved a Sunday game to Tuesday cause of snow (seriously).
  14. I’m guessing people in Philly are more worried about getting shot (no pun intended) than getting covid
  15. I’ll be at Barclays center tomorrow with my mask and proof of vaccination. Nets are getting hit hard with Covid right now. Most likely I’ll pay the $70.34 round trip in tolls (seriously) and then find out they cancel it
  16. Stop worrying about Covid and live your lives
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