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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. It's all about the base about the base no treble wahahahahaha.....
  2. Upper Main Street is both Barneys and upper Main Street...I think blue could easily have 60 runs if they broke up and overlapped the trails more. Is skytop open? I like taking skytop to nightmare to Dreamweaver to paradise to finish line woo
  3. Maybe they got a voucher for a free hot chocolate?? Anyway I'm sure they'll have the part from Slovenia by New Years.
  4. I'm just happy there's a decent enough base to withstand through a few warm spells.
  5. Way to get after it!!! Boom!!!! Getting stuck on the six pack seems like a stoke stomper..they probably need to order a part from Europe..shit is bananas..B A N A N A S
  6. I had to look up what apex was...funny but true..lololocopter
  7. I like long reports cause then I have something to read. I've been slacking on my reports. I haven't even described the songs I rocked out to on the ride. Keep posting and way to get after it!!! Ill be back tomorrow then Friday-Sunday I'm gonna be in Arlington Virginia then will ski every day I can between December 26 and January 23.
  8. I work with a funeral director named Felicia and I've said bye Felicia before with a straight face.
  9. Tuesday 48 and sunny for the A...I'll take it!!!! A lot better than 70 degrees last Xmas.
  10. Do you think paradise will be open tomorrow?
  11. I remember that lodge. I think it was still there the last time I was there in 2010. I like eating Poutine washed down with a 24 ounce labatt blue in the lodge by the Tram.
  12. Casey Neistat snowboarding behind a giant drone. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=At3xcj-pTjg
  13. Why are people posting reports from 12/21 in the 12/20 thread???
  14. I hear you flights are super expensive over the holidays. Seems like a decent deal on lodging considering it's a holiday period.
  15. Is lodging expensive at New Years??? Looks pretty dry up there between now and New Years not to late to book Jackson hole ;-)
  16. I like the way you spell life with a y. Very progressive.
  17. Except I really enjoy grandma got Runover by a reindeer and Feliz Navidad. I think Feliz Navidad was in my gym class at Allen high school.
  18. Glad you are in good spirits...that's important!!
  19. Nice report...the run under the Bravo chair is called bird land and is a fun run to Hollywood in intermediate moguls for the people above. Cool that you got to ski both mountains but a shame that Castlerock and lower FIS At mount Ellen were closed. Way to get after it!!!
  20. Hey all, I'm back from another fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the top lot at 650pm and it was in the mid 20s under dark sky's. Atomic Jeff arrived a few minutes later and on the snow around 7. Conditions were a little icier than yesterday especially on lazy 1.6 kilometers. Also a little more sugar on Main Street and the same dark spots. The bumps on Barneys looked deep and firm but I didn't get after them as I like spring and pow pow bumps. I think GSSucks was there but didn't see him. TheDude4Bides was in the house and a few dozen ski patrollers and maybe 50 other people in total. After maybe 8-9 runs and an hour and a half we had our Phil like Collins and had a few Hop Ranches in the lodge and the dude showed me a video skiing pow at winter park which was good for stoke. By the time I left at 930 it was down to about 20 degrees and felt as cold as last night. There was a cat in the lot that I felt bad for I wish I had some food to give it and yesterday we saw a fox in the lot. There was also an older gentleman who chatted with us because he saw atomic jeffs Jackson hole hat. A safety hazard is that with the new parking lot setup at the top people are going the wrong way in the second row which could cause a catastrophe. I almost wrote a demerit to someone but my pen was frozen. Tomorrow I'm not skiing gonna run a shit ton of errands and do Xmas shopping and practice for karaoke but will be out Thursday night to enjoy the lower lot and the poconos coldest six pack. Only on PASR would four times out in the first week feel like slacking but a lot of people are really getting after it including Toast and TheDude!!! Again hats off to the snowmakers. The piles are massive and the amount of open terrain will more than double by the weekend.
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