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Everything posted by pyro_boarder

  1. pyro_boarder

    P-tex burning?

    Hmm... I feel like taking apart a hot glue gun now.
  2. pyro_boarder

    P-tex burning?

    I bought a hot glue gun to use for p-tex but it dosen't realy get hot enough. Just enough to soften it enough to squeze out. Be for that I used a sodering iron which worked pritty good. (well would have if I knew what I was doing.)
  3. LOL that would be halrious! The theory sounds good, but it would probaly kill your base. Expecicaly if it was a harsh detergent.
  4. The last time I went to the dentist the lady who was doing the cleaning was not very careful with the sharp pointy things they use. I was sitting there thinking "Thats my gum, no matter how hard you scrape it it's not going to come off." Then my gums were all raw and sore and she was trying to brush my gums in stead of my teeth or something. That was one of the most uncomfortable dentist vists I ever had. Plus now I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled. Most of the time going to the dentist is not bad though.
  5. Where is that? The old resort was called Big Pocono Ski Area. They still have a trail or two visible. That would be awosome if they put in more trails. (as long as they're not more greens)
  6. If Blue out does CB, mabey CB will step it up. Or is that just wishfull thinking.
  7. I Rarely go over there because they never have anything intelegent to say. They're always complaining or insulting each other. I read one thread, it was 4 pages long and had no useful or interesting information, just insulting each other. I would read it when I'm bored but their lack of maturity and intelegence makes me sick.
  8. Yeah they do. But I don't want to do I for no reason.
  9. Are you shure you name is still there with PASR as the web site. If you are baned than that is realy messed up because someone else has pocono fourms as there's. If You could get more information that would be good. I don't want go bashing them If I got the story wrong.
  10. They deffinatly should not do that. Nowhere dose it say you can't have this site as you website. The prompt says 'website' from that i'm getting any waesite you want. Not sites they say you can have. Post more details and i'll say some thing about it over there. That is deffinatly not right.
  11. Did they realy kick you off for that! That dosen't sound right.
  12. I saw the battle ship rail on rhodo on sunday so I'm assuming its still a park. It was right at the top of the trail. It looked like it was in a weird location, Right at the begining so it would be hard to get enough speed to hit it. But there was no snow on it so I don't know.
  13. Merry Christmas everyone! It didn't cost too much except for the compressor. I'll find the recepts tommorow.
  14. Awosme, I'm planing on building a combo gun over the summer. I still need to Get my VW gun working.
  15. It's Cold enough to make snow so those of you who have guns, get out there! Btw: My dad called and said it was snowing some where west of cb!
  16. pyro_boarder


    It's souposed to get realy cold overnight and stay cold (day time temps below frezzing) untill monday. That means lots of snowmaking, for the mountains and me. (I just got a new torch to thaw my gun when it frezzes. Much fun ) [EDIT] I forgot to say that this rain sucks! [/EDIT]
  17. If I rember correct It was about $15 at the loft.
  18. The Pharoh is a nice trail. If you hang a sharp right after the first part right at the end of the fence it is a nice steep drop, and if you are lucky som nice powder, The rest of the trail is fun and it runs out into the bactrain, which is a nice cruser run.
  19. Wow that sucks. I get mad when one person does it. I can't imagin how bad that must have been. People should learn how to get on and off the lift on the bunny slope. But as well as being too stupid to get on and off the lift i suppose ther also too stupid to know there doing some thing wrong.
  20. pyro_boarder

    new skis

    From what i've heard the loft usualy takes about a week to do ski tune up this time of year. I don't think it would take as long to just get them mounted but you might want to check. If it would take a while there's another ski shop nextdoor and one down the street.
  21. If the bottom is only air that is also a problem. Like stated above it needs to be a air/water mix. Also if posible pictures would probaly help alot.
  22. pyro_boarder


    I was up for about an hour tonight, It was nice, only a little ice in King Tut, but there was only 3 tralis and it was realy cold. There was a good amount of snowmaking going on. And it was empty I diden't have to wait at all and only saw a few people on the trails.
  23. pyro_boarder


    I was there to day and I got some. They only had a few small shelves with stuff to tune your own equipment. I suppose that they want you to pay them to do it for you.
  24. pyro_boarder


    Thanks but I have a sodering iron here that the tips is pretty much shot so I think I'll use that.
  25. Wow! Now I have to check out cb's chairlifts when I get out there. I think they looked safe though. After all there fairly new.
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