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TR-Blue MTN PASR day....


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It was great to come out today....since it was a PASR Day a lot of people came out, except for ThinkSnow Greg. Slacker... :P So, my dad and I pulled in at around 8:15AM. It was 25 degrees at the top, and 19 degrees at the bottom. Mad temp inversion. The first run my dad and I took was on Challenge. Great, chalky snow. Very cold powder at the top and more scraped off in the middle. They had Razors closed all day because of a PARA race. I took 2 runs before meeting up with Doug, Jeff, Root, MtnBike, and a few others. It wasn't quite 9 yet so we took another run down Paradise...a speed run. Then we met up at the top again to see a few others, and Sexkitten and bob...But not ThinkSnow...Jeff called him up and he said he felt shittay. So we rolled with out him. I forgot to mention NastarGlenn and Toast. We skied with like 15 people which was cool. Most of the morning the snow was great. The lines weren't to bad in the early going, then the people came out in full force once it got warmer. The lines were EPICALLY LONG. The line for the six pack when back all the way to the ticket check, well almost. But i was able to get into the VIP line when I told the guy that was checking for passes that I was with Jeff and Doug and them...the people with passes. he was alright with it.


I have to get a season pass to either Blue, or Bear...

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My first day at Blue this season (apart from Valley School east and west teaching my fiance) and it was a good one. I was stoked to finally be able to turn up the speed on my new fischer cold heat 182's and man were they solid at high speeds. Definitely made the right choice going with the 182's.


All I can say is Upper Main Street was unreal. I would have been happy hitting that again and again, best snow on the mountain. This was also my first time there since the installation of the 6-pack, makes that line move quick which was definitely needed today.


It was great to meet a lot of you. Hope to see you at future PASR days.

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Today was a fun day. Much colder then expected. The sun finally came out later in the morning, and slowly started to warm up. Some good snow to be had. Challenge was nice first thing, and then we moved on to Switchback and Dreamweaver with a few Lazy's mixed in. Main Street however was the best snow. Like Kragan said, 100% confidence snow...no chance of not keeping an edge. All the racers are gone for tomorrow, so hopefully things won't get chewed up as fast and lift lines keep to a minimum.

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Here's my TR from yesterday at Blue. I got on the mountain around 8:15 and skied right on to the lift. My plan was to ski Paradise for the 1st run of the day to see how the knee felt, but after the first turn, I was feeling less pain than I thought I would, so I decided to give Dreamweaver a go. I love this trail. Empty and good conditions.


I did two runs on it before I met up with the PASR's. Main St was the next run, and I figured I'd give it a try. It worked out ok, and it was nice (for me) that everyone was stopping every few hundred feet to watch the guys working the bumps. Did Main St again, and I could feel the twinge in the knee increasing.


MbikeSki aka Gorgnzola was skiing recklessly down Paradise and tried to knock me over, fortunatly, we both escaped that with little carnage, but I told him he owe's me a beer for that one...it's all good bro! :cheers:B)


I skied a few runs with Chippy and his dad and it was starting to get really crowded and warm. I mostly skied Dreamweaver for the rest of the day. The consistency there was helping me work on a (almost) pain free technique of carve left, then skid right. I was really surprised, but I managed to get 20 runs in for a total of 22,010 feet of vert. Not to bad for a guy with a bum knee right now.


On the way home, I had decided to stop off at my new gym (I have to basically drive past it anyway) for a quick soak in the hot tub. I had a quick safety meeting around the corner, and I pulled into the parking lot to find the place is packed full of people. I had to park in the furthest row away from the door, all the way towards the driveway!


I went into the pool for a quick swim and wowzers!!! I felt good, but the scenery was out of this world. Tons of decently fit women in bikini's! After 10 mins of floating around, I moved on to the hot tub. Empty when I got in and so refreshing. So here I am, feeling no pain anywhere and a women in her 30's sits down next to me and strikes up conversation about how she can't believe the crowds today (the gym has only been open since Tues 2/3). Face was a 6 but physique was an 8.5! After 15 mins or so, I was feeling pleasantly relaxed and thinking that something bad is going to happen, cause this much fun doesn't happen with out reverse karma giving you a kick in the ass. After I got out, she moved over to the other hot tub, lol.


Next on to the sauna for more relaxation and then spent some time in the eucalyptus infused steam room, ahhhhh. I can see this becoming a regular stop for me on my way home from skiing (or even biking in the summer). I would have stayed much later, but wanted to get home, since I had not eaten since breakfast and it was closing in on 6pm now.


Overall, a very excellent day of skiing and relaxation.

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Bob and I pulled in the lower lot around 7:45 AM. Since we had followed a bus and a huge line of traffic the whole way there I was surprised to find not too many cars in the lower lot. I ran into the lodge to get tickets and was greeted by a huge line at the windows and out of order kiosks. Ugh. Of course once I got up to the teller the kiosks came back up. Anyway, approx. $90.00 later I was back outside in the shockingly chilly air booting up. I really wasn't expecting it to be so cold with all of the "warm weekend weather" reports the news kept cramming down our throats but I wasn't sorry as I don't really love skiing in mashed potatoes. We got on the snow by about 8:10 AM and managed to squeeze in a Paradise, Dreamweaver Lazy and Burma run before the 9:00 AM meeting. The snow was fast and hard and although there were some icy spots they weren't unavoidable or impossible to edge into. For me it was a really good day to make my peace with speed. Needless to say Bob was happy. At 9:00 AM we met up with the PASR crew. It was nice to see that so many of the people who said they were coming really did show... ahem Greg!! Haha. Anyway, as everyone else said our first and pretty much only run together was Paradise. Since everyone but Matt was on skis they headed off not remembering that he has to strap in before the run. Ugh. Since Bob and I had skied with him at the JF day we hung back and did the run with him. Of course by the time we got down to the lifts the PASR "race team" had already gotten on. At the top there was no sign of them either so Bob, Matt and I decided to go off on our own for the day. Together the three of us did Paradise and Dreamweaver then a Lazy to get over to the other side in hopes of some relief from the steadily growing crowds. Fortunately for us not only was the other side less crowded the snow was better too. I think around this time we met back up with the PASR gang and did one Main St. run. The snow at the top was really perfect. So much so in fact that when the PASR guys headed back towards the six Bob, Matt & I bailed on them and hit up the doubles. The sun had started to come out and the lift lines at the doubles were minimal so we ended up doing a ton of Main St., Switchback and Lazy runs. Unfortunately as Raceway was closed and Chute had more cookies than a Mrs. Fields we didn't get to do my favorite Blue Mt. combo run. Oh well. Around 11:00 AM we decided to trek back to the six and see how the other half of the Mt. was holding up. We were greeted by a million people milling around and a mile long lift lines at both the six and the quad. In fact the whole lower lodge area seemed to be a huge cluster F@#* so we unanimously decided it was time to bail. After saying goodbye to Matt I gave a quick parking lot strip show then Bob and I headed to the BMDI. While there we met a chatty, older lady who turned out to be the aunt of the owners. We also talked to the cook who was hanging out with her and a cool biker dude who invited us to a bike and hot rod show this summer. All and all it was a fun day despite the fact that we didn't really do a lot of runs with the group, that there was no Greg and that there was an apparent incident with a certain patoller.


P.S. Next PASR Day that happens where I am the only girl in the house will result in a severe smack down. Damn it girls... I needed you.

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I forgot to mention that when we were leaving a lady in the parking lot told us that Weis Market has $10.00 off coupons for Blue. I didn't call them to confirm but there it is. I think the lady said that Blue told her the promo is meant to replace the Blizzard Card.

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Sorry I missed all of you. I didn't get to the mountain until 10. I drove up from Maryland Friday night, and by the time I picked up my equipment and the equipment for my son and neice and pass at Buckman's, I didn't get to my mother-in-law's in Bucks County until after 10. Didn't get to bed until 1 am. So we got a late start the next day.


I was there and we all had a great time, but it was WAY too crowded.


I was disappointed I didn't get to meet any PASR's. :(

Edited by mdskier
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Sorry I missed all of you. I didn't get to the mountain until 10. I drove up from Maryland Friday night, and by the time I picked up my equipment and the equipment for my son and neice and pass at Buckman's, I didn't get to my mother-in-law's in Bucks County until after 10. Didn't get to bed until 1 am. So we got a late start the next day.


I was there and we all had a great time, but it was WAY too crowded.


I was disappointed I didn't get to meet any PASR's. :(


We missed meeting you too. BTW, you really did get there at the worst possible time. When if ever did the crowds start to thin out?

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