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Big Boulder Park Website


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It's great. I don't think its too graphic heavy except for load time/scroll speed. But if the images can be optomized a little it might load faster, when I get back to school and have access to a web server I'll see if I can copy it and try to get it to load faster.


Here is a great article (for web designers) on how to make an original website, and that website nailed pretty much every one of them, mad props.



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wow. thats about 97 times better looking than their old site. design wise, its pretty nice. i would have spiced things up with a complimentary color thrown around in there somewhere to break up the monochromatic scheme, but it still looks pretty good. my only gripes are the load time, how heavy it is on your PC, and the scroll bar. even on my fast internet connection, it took over a minute to load, which is a stretch. also, it's pretty processor intensive to have the site open and navigate around the content. both of those issues could be fixed up with some better optimization techniques, or, depending on how the site's set up now, having more smaller files instead of one large one, that way you could be loading in key areas of the site while other content loads in the background as needed. also, by using flash to created the scrollbar, they took away its usefulness. they didn't put the functionality back in for PC users, and they're going to have a hell of a time getting it to work for a mac, god knows i've been trying to figure that one out for a month at work. sorry for the longwinded post, but i finally get a paycheck to do web development now. :)

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There is reason why when I develop websites, I have someone else do the design, but I still know or thing or two about what is right and what is wrong.


What's the worst thing wrong with that site? Using flash for the whole entire website, and thus creating their own scroll bar, which isn't linked to a scroll wheel on the mouse. That is simply unacceptable. Worst design site ever in terms of navigation. That site could have EASILY been developed using a static images and a little javascript. Sure would have made for an easier site to navigate.


Sorry BB, that site fails hardcore, and I didn't even mention the very similar colors used for backgrounds and fonts. Nothing pops!

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There is reason why when I develop websites, I have someone else do the design, but I still know or thing or two about what is right and what is wrong.


What's the worst thing wrong with that site? Using flash for the whole entire website, and thus creating their own scroll bar, which isn't linked to a scroll wheel on the mouse. That is simply unacceptable. Worst design site ever in terms of navigation. That site could have EASILY been developed using a static images and a little javascript. Sure would have made for an easier site to navigate.


Sorry BB, that site fails hardcore, and I didn't even mention the very similar colors used for backgrounds and fonts. Nothing pops!


I agree with you on the scroll bar. I noticed load time the 2nd time I opened it was totally acceptable. I have to disagree with you on the design. You want contrast for your eStore, you want style & feel for a site like this. Its not like it is UNreadable, and there isn't all that much you want to read. Basically it is a list of features up, a list of events that barely changes, and a one paragraph update that changes. So you are talking 200 words you want to read? It just has the right feel though, and its about the pictures and video. My only comment would be to switch the team and the video so the team part is at the bottom if it is empty right now.

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flash ftl... in my opinion any site thats all flash is garbage.. try css and javascript, works wonders.


content moving in the right direction tho, with park feature report and vids and pics. good stuff

just curious, why do you say flash is garbage? while boulder's site definitely could have (and probably should have) been done primarily with css, since there's nothing really dynamic animation wise, flash certainly has its uses as well. when used correctly, there's not really a downside to it.

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No flash on the iPhone.


Who cares. You don't like the site anyways. Besides, it's a mobile device, you have to know you aren't getting the whole internet going into it.


P.S. I had a better flame, but I can't spell so I backed it off.


P.S.S The site is down.

Edited by Glenn
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Who cares. You don't like the site anyways. Besides, it's a mobile device, you have to know you aren't getting the whole internet going into it.


P.S. I had a better flame, but I can't spell so I backed it off.


P.S.S The site is down.


Besides flash, I see exactly on my iphone as what I do on my laptop. No WAP browser here :wiggle


check this out glenn: http://www.apple.com/iphone/features/index.html#safari


and yes justin, not yet :)


o btw, someone must be watching...the scrolling now works with the scroll wheel :wiggle

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just curious, why do you say flash is garbage? while boulder's site definitely could have (and probably should have) been done primarily with css, since there's nothing really dynamic animation wise, flash certainly has its uses as well. when used correctly, there's not really a downside to it.



all-flash sites are garbage.. not all flash in general, it certainly is a wonderful asset when used well and within reason. while it is being used more widely now and most people who are online a lot will have a flash plugin installed, for those who dont, any website that you cannot view without installing flash is a pain in the butt for accessibility in older browsers/older computers. or if you are using someone elses computer and can't install flash. and while you and i may have fast connections, not everyone does and flash sucks for dialup.


i also dislike (read abhor) navigation on all-flash sites. you cant set bookmarks to different pages. BB site "solves' that by using all one page with anchor-type links, or you can just scroll down. this is probably better because you dont have to click several times to find the 'page' you want, such as if i want to check the features report before heading up. but i dont like having everything on one page, and especially with the amount of content BB already has, its a big no-no. a css site would/should have different pages and i could set a bookmark/shortcut right to the page. also, and i think this is possible so it was just overlooked, but like someone else said, things like the scrollbar not being linked to a scroll function just piss me offf.


yeah so those are my main complaints. i'm not hating on BB because they definitely put effort into it and its better than, say, anything blue will probably ever have, its just my opinion that they could have done better.

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all-flash sites are garbage..


I disagree, especially in regard to the navigation/links issue. If you want to provide what is essentially a multi-media presentation you want EVERY visitor to have the same experience. You want splash pages and the user to actively interact to get to various content. If you are selling a product perhaps this is not the best, but when the product IS the website it's a different story. I still haven't seen the site so I don't know how this site stacks up.

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