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First Grade Teacher

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Everything posted by First Grade Teacher

  1. Blue is the best at crappy snow. No other area can compete with their shitty snow. I guess it's good to be good at something!
  2. Winch Cat! What a joke. I'm pretty sure a winch cat isn't going to help. They can't figure out how to groom so they don't create frozen golf balls every time they make snow. Now the guy has to groom and winch at the same time. Good luck with that. Why is it that trails at Blue are the WORST after they make fresh snow? Seems like it should be the other way around!
  3. Chop his toes off and tell him to go to his room and ice them until winter.
  4. I agree he is a nutcase but he was entertaining! I don't check in as often since Ski got booted. TTC6 was just an asshole.
  5. I agree. I hope Blue didn't buy that thing! We will see.
  6. You guys want anything else? You got tons of parks and a now a fucking airbag. I'm glad the pipe is dead because it never got used anyway. Don't be alarmed if you see only a few features in the old lower park. Otherwise you would have 3 out of 4 bottom trails with park stuff on them. Too much. People need to get to the lifts. Homestretch is already overcrowded. The airbag isn't going to help the traffic problems.
  7. Blue started smashing the pipe. I took a ride up there on Saturday. Get rid of that fucking thing! Didn't mean to change the vibe but this really is an improvement.
  8. Get rid of your wife! That's an easier decision.
  9. Sugarloaf is the closest thing to western mountains but I use the word "close" loosely. Best in the East for sure wthout hiking.
  10. Technically he was always on the US team. He was just training on his own. All of his results still counted for the US .
  11. Not sure if you knew, but Bode is back on the US Ski Team and competing in the Olympics.
  12. Great idea except the pipe doesn't get used because it sucks! They should just get rid of the pipe and make that Lower Sidewinder Park and open the existing lower park to regular traffic. This would also help the cluster fuck on Home Stretch and help the cross traffic problem coming from Main Street.
  13. Chris, Always a great time at your place. See you on the 19th. FGT
  14. Plus now he gets twice as long out of a pair of skis.
  15. Great! Just what Blue needs..................................another giant bag of air!
  16. Doug......................My new site is not a April fools joke but I'll give you the domain name if you donate to Toast. You have more use for it than me.
  17. No shit Rubble. Is there any site that you don't post on? I'm starting a new site. Wanna post? www.gsssucksblackcock.com
  18. That won't last ten minutes! This site has a slow pulse rate as it is.
  19. Don't worry about Jeff. He drools all the time. It has nothing to do with your girlfriend. If you were a good friend you would wipe the corner of his mouth for him. That is one giganto forehead on your broad though. What's with the dot? Is she Taliban? See ya Saturday.
  20. I feel a threat coming any minute. It doesn't have anything to do with you either because nobody is going to drive your ass to "Mt. Stow" and let you sleep on the floor for a magazine coupon. If I wanted to Pm you, I would. Rather I choose to make a dick of you in public!
  21. Because you will probably threaten to beat me up. Bully!
  22. That would be Mt. Mansfield and the town is Stowe there genius. The only person it wouldn't cost anything is you! Sounds like a great deal for you. Did you learn the word stalk from TP4?
  23. Who's we? I'm the only one who responded. Looks like it's me and you. Pick me up and then I'll drive to Stowe. Sound fair?
  24. A ride to Stowe AND a place to stay in exchange for a coupon out of a magazine. Now there is a deal!
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