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Everything posted by RidgeRacer

  1. Great job with this app. I love it.
  2. I'm pretty sure I've seen one at Elk...and every NE PA ski resort actually. I often think that when I read Toast posts.
  3. Here are some better pics (not attachments) from Squaw. Skiing down Siberia Bowl Steep chutes coming off of Sun Bowl Looking up at the Palisades and Siberia The Palisades from Siberia Bowl View from Sun Bowl near Squaw Peak Cliff on GS Bowl (I think) View of KT from Snow King Riding up the Squaw Creek chair
  4. This app is bad ass. It tells you what trails you skied, altitude min and max, calculates your vert, tells you your top speeds. You even earn awards for passing certain speed thresholds. If you use the "play" button, it shows your little avatar guy skiing the trails you skiied that day over an arial map.
  5. eat somewhere...maybe the place we're at will have a pool. really want to go skiing though.
  6. A jeff...they tried to do exactly that but we figured we can get an early start tomorrow from Denver and still get home at a decent time.
  7. Flew into San Fran. Then SF to reno. Home was supposed to be reno to Denver earlier this morning then Denver to Newark. Unfortunately I couldn't find a direct flight to reno from Newark or philly Skiing would have probably sucked today. It was raining pretty hard. The snow is supposedly coming this week though.
  8. It was a downpour this morning in the lower elevations...supposedly snow in the higher. The roads around truckee were sketchy...anyway flight to Denver was delayed. Spending the night there...awesome.
  9. The tahoe locals (Erin08 and timeless) could give you the low down but just based on what I've seen...there's a resort called Mt rose that can easily be seen from reno. From what I understand that's the local area for reno residents I think but its a pretty big mt. The others closest to reno are Squaw and alpine...each are about an hour. I also saw signs for a smaller area called pioneer.
  10. I thought about it but since I was skiing solo it may have been a stupid move.
  11. When I get home I'll put them on Photobucket. All I have right now is the phone.
  12. First time out west...no (been to AZ / grand canyon a few times). first time skiing out west...yes. unfortunately I didn't get to ski powder...I'm not complaining. No altitude issues at all. Highest peak is around 9k.
  13. Just skied the sun bowl from the peak all the way down. There's plenty of crud on sun but so much easier to navigate since it's not ad steep as GS. It was actually really fun. I took to red.dog to snow king and skied resort run jumped into some trees down to the Squaw creek lift. Snow king alone is like a mountain in Vermont....winding trails and lots of trees. I was gonna call it a day but resort run was so good I'm skiing it again. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed reading these posts. Squaw completely humbled me. This place is so steep and so huge. I thought about heading over to alpine meadows which is 10 minutes away but Squaw deserves more than 1 day...even with granite chief not open. I'll post more pics later...
  14. Siberia bowl is where it's at. Easily the best run on the Mt. Lots of sugar perfect for high speed GS turns. Just skied siberia to the gold coast express. Took that back up to emigrant peak to Mt run to the base for a few thousand vertical feet. Riding the funitel back up now.
  15. Just got my ass kicked on GS bowl off K22 peak. The bowl was completely empty. Leave it to this fool from PA to jump in what was easily the steepest scariest thing I've ever skied. Made down most of it then hit a slick spot and down I slid. Had to hike up digging my boots in to get back up. The bowl wouldn't have been that bad if it was powder but it was hard pack and crust. Still fun though. Pic of GS below...
  16. Day 2 begins...riding the Squaw creek lift. So far there is absolutely nobody out here...I'm sure that's different by the main base area. 33 and sunny. Word I got again is that granite chief is closed...unless I hike it which is not likely. Looking to explore a little more KT and sun bowl today.
  17. You're lucky to live out here. People seem pretty easy going which I could get used to. Thanks for the tip. Granite chief is on the list today. Someone told me last night that it was closed but I seemed to know the trail map better than him so I'll investigate in a few hours. The plan is to start there then ski siberia again (which was the run of the day yesterday) and eventually work my way back to snow king. A lot of KT was roped off due to the hard conditions yesterday.
  18. Here with the wife...skiing solo. Gonna ski tomorrow again and leave on Tues.
  19. Finished up a few hours ago with ride up the KT 22 lift to saddle down some crazy steep stuff on KT. The frozen crud made it even more challenging. KT is a few thousand vert of the elevator and steeper. After that I rode up the funitel...skied down to the siberia express lift. Rode that back up to siberia ridge. Took the ridge down siberia bowl to mountain run to the base. I was thinking about making it over granite chief but my legs were done. I rode the red dog lift to the snow king peak and from there took a real long run that reminded me of the Wilmington trail at WF to the bottom. According to phreesheez I skied 13.6 miles total and 2.1 miles of vert. Pics below of KT 22s peak and siberia ridge
  20. At the base after skiing the entire vert (I think) from Sun bowl through some steep Chutes to some more steep stuff to some blue trails to the Olympic house. The ungroomed stuff off of sun bowl is nasty. It's hard and frozen ungroomed and really steep. It must have gotten soft yesterday then froze overnight. Im headed over to KT22 now. Hopefully It's softer up there. Sorry for the continuous posts BTW. I'll forget stuff if I write a TR later. Here's a few photos off of sun bowl.
  21. jjust took the funitel to siberia express...siberia bowl down to the headwall express. Picture of siberia bowl below.
  22. Riding the Squaw creek lift... 33 and sunny. Getting ready to make my way over to kt 22.
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