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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. I like big, warm, soft, squishy bumps.
  2. I have a very bad feeling about this....
  3. Sunday it seemed like the VIP line was letting everyone through, as there were a TON of rental skis/snowboards/boots, which I kinda doubt they were passholders. At times the line to get through the ticket reader stretched halfway into Homestretch.
  4. Not many people still do, but I do run across sites from time to time that seem to be quite picky about what browser is being used to render the page. Never hurts to try it, as it sometimes solves the problem.
  5. I don't think they want them in the room with the Last Run Lounge area only, because people will sit there all day consuming seats meant for people who buy food. I'm sure they've received a ton of complaints from people who buy food there and have nowhere to sit. One of Blue's responses is that laptop use is welcome, just in the other room.
  6. I couldn't find it on the website early this morning either, HAD to use the link from FB post that Toast posted. I had created a Blue Mountain account last year when I renewed, so I just used that one again to purchase this one. Also, their website seemed to prefer Explorer (logged right in), as Firefox seemed to hang when trying to log into my account.
  7. Sweet! I can't wait to see what comes out when Jersey goes legal!
  8. Ha! We had the same thing happen when my son left at lunchtime in the row where we were parked. There must have been a half-dozen cars drive past the empty spot, staring at it as they drove past. Finally some guy just turned in to the jeers of the crowd. "He can park there, he's got a PA license plate!", "That'll be $20", etc. It wasn't like anyone was saving the spot or anything, people must have just been too scared of the crowd to try to turn in.
  9. Be sure to hang onto receipt and/or e-mail in case it doesn't work, so you have proof of purchase. Rodney had to beat them into submission this year when his pass didn't work and they didn't believe he bought one. I believe he said he even had to bring in his credit card statement to prove it to them that he bought a pass.
  10. Can't they just hang out in the big room where laptop use is permitted and wait for a seat to open like other people?
  11. Heard that they ran out of rentals in the afternoon on Saturday. With the crowd that was there on Sunday, they probably ran out late morning.
  12. indiggio

    Taos 2018

    Makes me think of toes, and I don't even like feet.
  13. And you're liable to run into the kid down the road, and they'll remember you and those quotes like it was yesterday. I have to believe that behind the scenes they're saying it was a pretty cool class/teacher. All the best classes I ever had were taught by the wackiest of teachers/profs. The nuttier the better. One bio teacher I had literally swung from the hanging overhead lights the first day to "teach" us what we weren't going to be doing that year. Guy was certifiable and had hair like Bozo the clown, but was a great teacher and made class fun.
  14. Damn it's gone and I didn't get to read it... My life will forever be incomplete.
  15. We rode up with him a couple of times. Said only one boot got soaked. Also heard there was another person that went swimming. We were joking that Bob needs to put up a "No Lifeguard on Duty Swim at your own risk!" sign and have a life preserver hanging there too.
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