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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. Stop at the Sunup Bakery right across from the Wobbly Barn on Killington Road and get yourself and egg and bagel sandwich on your way to the slopes.
  2. It's so much fun watching little ones progress at skiing. They get good fast!
  3. Yet again, learn to ski moguls. Feet together, pivoting (NOT CARVING) skis simultaneously to form a platform on which to turn, which in perder, all you really need to do is shift your weight from foot to foot. Also, view the trees as moguls and you turn past them, so you don't hit them.
  4. OMG NaCL-y, I have to tighten my boots numerous times in a single ski day. In the morning I have to tighten them, as everything is cold and the liners have expanded slightly overnight. As the outside temperature increases, the shell softens and the liners pack a bit and my body warms up and I can put more flex into them. This can be worse, if the day starts our super cold, with an inversion and the sun hasn't come up over the ridge. Boot buckles aren't something you set once and forget. They don't have micro-adjustments for nothing!
  5. Looks like Saturday is gonna just be cloudy and warm-ish, with Sunday being a washout. Saturday might be a good bump day.
  6. Ha, ha, ha, ha...I'm laughing so hard! Your friend NaCL-y
  7. Another parking lot pic... Drive home was pretty spicy, lots of traction control light flashing going on.
  8. The snow you encountered was most likely https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graupel which has a weird consistency. We sometimes get it at Blue during a conversion from snow to rain. You don't need a down day for the hot springs, just check the weather for a clear night and make plans to get a bus ride or drive up early evening after early dinner. The number of stars you'll see out there will blow your mind.
  9. We have to take what we get at Blue, but I too prefer natural bumps as they're far more fun. Skier-made (say Alta's) are the very best, as the separation between turns is more consistent.
  10. Yeah, looking like the warm air has moved northward farther than previously predicted. Hard to say how long the cold air in place is going to withstand the warm onslaught. Still calling for snow to start around 7am in Palmerton and continue to 12pm.
  11. Are you planning on hitting the Strawberry Park hot springs while out there? You'll be glad you did, especially if you go up on a crystal clear night! Also snowmobile tours are pretty fun out there too, if you have/want a down day.
  12. All depends on what you're looking to get out of them. If you want to zipper, they're easier, since you can get into a rhythm. Zipperlining natural bumps, to me, is far harder as you have to make faster decisions with faster feet to maintain the speed.
  13. Keep your hands up and forward. The moment you put them down at your sides, you're transitioning you mr center of gravity rearward, hence riding on your heels. Always keep your weight on the balls of your feet and your shins engaged with the tongue of your boot. Keeping your hands up and forward helps maintain this position.
  14. It's how you ski moguls. You don't carve in a mogul run, but pivot while on the saddle between the bumps. You learn to use very slight edge control to adjust your speed. Carving is for groomed slopes.
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