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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. Uh, you're gonna need to check out https://www.paskiandride.com/forums/topic/14235-official-pasr-beer-thread/ for some better beer suggestions to expand your drinking horizons.
  2. A better question is what kind of beer does s/he like?
  3. And people think Blue's lines are long... However, if I had a season's pass to A-Basin, I'd probably be standing in that line at least for one run.
  4. These temperatures are stoke squelching!
  5. Or the one that cuts from the top of the final headwall on Razor's over to the top of the Falls?
  6. Wondering why they didn't split Sidewinder into upper and middle to give them 40 trails?
  7. No, we didn't get an invite. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Should've posted it on their Cheers to 40 Years post. They probably would have deleted it!
  9. Just looked at the trail map. It's actually "Trail Coming Soon!"
  10. Hate to say that I do... Calling for frost in the Poconos tonight.
  11. It's already named on the trail map: "Coming Soon"
  12. Mbike Mike is the only one that I know that would ever even think of trying it. Wait, I think Tarpon does it once a week or so, but he lives way too far away. Yeah, she likes going to concerts, so I tag along for company but mostly to people watch. The other week I was standing out in front of Levitt waving to people in cars, seeing if they'd wave back at the mental patient. I was cracking myself up.
  13. I always wanted to try it, but the wife has no interest and I ain't going there alone.
  14. It can be done! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Bah! There's always the bumps to ski after they're made and yes, the center of the slopes are skied off, but all that is now on the edges which makes for fun afternoon skiing. Just have to watch out for the icebergs! You have to take what you get skiing at Blue. We don't get enough natural to make backcountry stashes.
  16. Nah! It was all the people shooting their guns at Irma that killed her.
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