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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. Mainly because you get nothing letting it sit in a bank anymore...
  2. Also not gonna help that gas prices set to go up in PA as well. Feeling the pinch from all angles lately.
  3. No, definitely not everyone is paying full price as there are bargains out there to be had out there. Being a passholder, I really don't know how many and of what value exist.
  4. Mmmm.... I'm thinking they don't think on that level or they would have implemented something already. However, I've not heard of any resorts being progressive with their pricing... It boggles my mind to see all the cars on a beautiful winter Sat/Sun and knowing they're paying single day prices! If it weren't for (somewhat reasonable) season pass prices, I surely wouldn't be dropping $70 for a day of skiing, no matter how much I enjoyed it. Back in college, we'd do the $18 Sunday evening ticket and make sure we'd ski enough runs to get to $1/run or less. Luckily they still did twice daily groomings back then! Really miss Ray for that!
  5. It would be interesting to know how Barb comes up with the ticket price each year. Is it just take last year's price and add some inflationary factor to it based on everything else going up? Or is it based on what profit/loss last year held? Or some other method (yank it from the yoinker)? Rumor was during Ray years, he'd wait until others (Cameltoe) would release their prices and he'd set the price below theirs, just to be cheaper. It must be a big gamble at setting the price up front, because there's no telling what the weather holds and how much it will cost to cover the mountain in snow and/or how often it'll have to be done. Also, they run the hairy edge of putting people off with the ticket price. Like everything else, if it's priced too high, people won't buy. If it's priced too low, you're cutting into profits and run the risk of having the place so crowded, it's a bad experience (lines way too long). Wondering how a sliding ticket price like Liftopia might work? Say you have N number of runs open, you can determine a safe number of people that those trails can safely bear, so you open with ticket prices at a low price to get people out, but ding the late arrivals with higher prices as you approach that safe number. Heck, with RFID in place, you could even tie everything together and have a floating ticket price, so like in the evening when nobody's there, ticket prices would be super low to bring people out. Thus, you'd probably pull out more people because of the low price and make some money instead of people not coming out at all because it's too expensive.
  6. Tarpon found an airbnb for $38 in Slatington...
  7. Was even able to get in a few tree runs through the woods at the top of Chute. Too bad Switchback wasn't open... I heard tell that NM/DW had at least 24", but I didn't venture over due to avy danger.
  8. Happens to everyone with little skiers, helps them to recognize the ice and how to handle it. Ski The East!
  9. Clouds, fog, drizzle, mist all afternoon along with a slight rise in temps made the snow softer at the expense of visibility. Top half of the mountain socked in, but mid down to base is still pretty nice. Barney's were wonderful in the morning, nice soft snow and very good grooming on them. Unfortunately by late morning, all the soft was pushed to the bumps and the in-between was slick and hard. Moved on to skiing the Matt edges along Main Street which had some very nice snow. Knees feeling it by 4pm and with absolutely horrible visibility, called it a day. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. No, we didn't make it out there. With all the wind holds on the quad, we decided that we'd be better off on the other side riding the triple. Yeah that was our last day, unfortunately. Probably some good conditions Friday to be had.
  11. It was a great day today at Jay!Was pumping all morning, but limited lifts. The glades we hit were ok, but the base was very crusty/hard, so while they looked good, they were pretty dicey once you got in them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. About 8" at the summit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Up at 5:00 AM and looked out the window to see the car covered in snow, this might be a good day after all... Made an egg & cheese on an English muffin and packed up the goods and headed out. Snow was falling at a nice, steady pace. Since it was beginning to look a lot like Christmas, we decided to listen to Christmas tunes on Sirius on the ride up. Just beyond the halfway mark, we passed by a mishap where a car was off the side of the road and right behind it a pickup truck totally off the road. Another car had stopped and the people were all in their phones, so I didn't bother to stop. I also could see some flashing lights of a plow off in the distance. As we approached Jay, the snow started falling a bit heavier. We were glad we decided to wait to come up here with some snow in the forecast. We got into the lot, booted up and made our way to the customer service desk to pick up our Liftopia tickets. No problems getting the tickets today, so we headed up to the lifts. Of course, the tram isn't running due to the financing debacles going on here and we heard that a lot of the employees aren't very happy about all that's taking place. Unfortunately the Flyer quad was on wind-hold indefinitely, which left us on the Metro quad. We made our way down to Stateside area, which was the only game in town. After unknowingly getting on the Taxi quad and taking an inadvertent run down Kangaroo Trail, we finally got down to the Jet triple as the Bonaventure was also not running. Looking at Jet from the lift, they only blew/groomed snow on the side opposite the lift line and so there was a nice spline running down the lift towers. Being alone addicts and seeing nobody skiing them, we found excellent snow that all the traffic had pushed over just for us! I thought I'd even see Matt Edge grinding it, but no such luck! On one of the rides up, we saw a local jump in the treeline next to the lift between UN & Jet, so we decided to try that which proved to be a lot of fun. Unfortunately a lot of the trees we ventured into were dust on crust. Abandoning Jet, we tried out Hotshot and Mont l'Entrepide which were all bumps and a finally a pike to get back up to the lift. Back up, we ventured down Kitzbuehel, which again was all bumps, but by now about 6" had fallen, so they were becoming more fun. Through the Stateside glade and back to the triple. We made our way back to the Tram Haus for some lunch and then back out. The Flyer was now running, so we rode that. Just over the Ridge the winds were howling. Ski patrol was out roping off a lot of terrain, which we couldn't understand. On another lap, the quad stopped for like 15 minutes, probably another wind hold. Not wanting to sit on a lift going nowhere, we headed back to the triple. We did a few more laps on Jet/UN. Our legs decided we had enough and we bugged out. All in all, a pretty good day skiing some powder at Jay! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. We ended up going to The Bench for dinner started out with appetizer, and washed it down with a Burlington Beer Co. Wizard... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Had burrito, which was delicious! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I like Dominic the Donkey Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Decided to ski Stowe today as Jay is supposed to pick up some fresh overnight and into tomorrow. Much warmer this morning as the temp read 20 when we left for the Mountain, a far cry from the single digit temps the past few days. Arrived at the mountain just before 8 to pick up passes purchased on Liftopia. Well that turned into a minor CF, as the lady told me that this is the first day they're working with Liftopia and she doesn't see the screen. After a few calls, they had it straightened out and we had our passes in hand. Since we were right at the Fourrunner quad, we made the hike up and rode it. Didn't see any guns going, but many trails had wells on them waiting to be groomed. The ride up surely didn't feel like the temps had risen much as the wind was blowing good and the low cloud layer obscured the sun from about 1/2 way up to the summit. Terrain choices were pretty limited, as many of the best were closed. Took run down Ridgeview, Sunrise, Norrh Slope and back to quad. Conditions were much like Blue, hard, fast, cookies, marbles (we were told they call them chicken heads up here) and lots of large frozen patches. Next lap was Lord to North Slope. With hardly anyone here, we had the run to ourselves so we could make huge GS turns at high speed, fun! Feeling a bit challenged, we opted for Liftline which, like all the other trails, was hard and icy and very fast! We then tried to see what Hayride was like by coming in a bit lower as it was closed at the top. It was newly blown and hadn't been totally groomed, so we bailed. We came in on Lower Hayride which wasn't much better. Decided to head over to the gondola to see what that side was like as there wasn't much else open off the quad. Off the gondola we tried Perry Merrill to Cliff Trail which was a sheet of ice with some bumps mixed in, no joy. Took Perry Merrill to bottom. Nothing else much was open, so we lapped Gondolier a few times. The sun was shining on Spruce Peak, so we took the Over Easy gondola to the super swank area. Not much was open over here either, but we made our way down to the Sensation quad and ended up running a memory of Blue, Main Street, a number of times. Decided to bug out early as we have another day of skiing left and the legs are not yet in mid-season shape. Wasn't the best day, but still beats working! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. First ski day in the books from postponed Northern Vermont trip that was supposed to have happened back in Feb/Mar of this year, but since most slopes had closed, owner let me push the trip to this week. Very nice of her! Loaded up the car in 0 degree weather and headed South to Sugarbush as yesterday's snow reports seemed to have them being the best bang for the buck. All the slopes took a hit to the snow that had fallen the past few weeks, just my luck... Arrived at the mountain to find guns going as far as the eye could see. Got a couple of tickets and headed out. Didn't check the trail report, so just followed some up the Gate House Quad only to find nothing open above or even the Castle Rock connection open. The snow was frozen cord with large patches of glacial ice from the monsoon rains Sunday which made for some interesting sliding. Went over to the other side and rode up Bravo. Skied down to Heavens Gate triple and took that up to the summit. Needless to say it was wicked cold and winds cranking, and they said it was supposed to be warmer today!! NOT! Took Ripcord, et. al. down to the bottom. Made our way back up the same route but took Jester all the way down. On the next ride up the Bravo, we spied some freshies in the troughs of the bumps down the lifeline, so decided to give them a whirl. Turned out to be quite nice and so we lapped them a few times until others joined in. On the next run up, looked over to Murphy's and spied some freshies in the bumps there so lapped them a few times. These were the run of the day as nobody was or had been in them. Since they didn't have the Slide Brook running, we packed up around 1pm and drove over. After booting back up and a quick snack, we ventured out. The conditions on Mt. Ellen were windblown and bare. Lots of slide slipping was had. Clouds rolled in and temps were dropping and winds picking up. We rode up the Green Mountain quad and then the Summit quad. Winds were howling at the summit. We made our way down Rim Run, Elbow & Which-Way down to the North Ridge quad. Riding up that we saw what looked like some freshies on Bravo, so gave that a try. The top half was decent, with filled troughs, but bottom was bare so we slid over to Exterminator and took that down to Northstar. We decided to bug out around 2:30pm. Was expecting some pretty horrendous conditions, which we did encounter, but also found some pretty fun conditions in the bumps! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. That's a bit better! Now only if they'd scoot the Slopeside cam out towards Vista a bit so we could see the guns/trail instead of some useless benches on the patio, we'd be getting somewhere...
  20. That's one nasty blackhead squeezin' right there...
  21. TFTI Got a free Guiness pint glass thanks to Tarponhead! Barney's were typical, hard and icy, but skiable. With no warmth to speak of, not surprised though. Legs definitely feeling it after about 15 runs through them... Light really sucked big-time in the afternoon and they refused to turn the lights on early, probably to save some coin.
  22. Watching live... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Wasn't it positioned like this all last season too?
  24. Dumbest camera positioning of the bunch.
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