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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. Let me turn up the volume on my hearing aid... What's that again?
  2. I hope I live before I die! Remember what?
  3. I may grow up, but I'll never grow old!
  4. I prefer the bar down as it just makes sense, it's there for a reason. However, I will go with the flow of the chair. I just don't get the "coolness" factor that many seem to subscribe to by not putting it down, especially with boarders who have to have all that weight on one leg. You need to get out and experience the "rental ward" more, far more amusing until they clunk you in the helmet...
  5. Damn! Just in time to go back to work... Should have been today's rain!
  6. What's with people this year and the early-drop, early-lift of the bar? I've gotten helmet clunked a couple of times already this year after getting on the chair. No sooner than you sit down, but someone's dragging the bar down without saying a word. Then, you barely get to the crest of the Challenge and they're putting the bar up already! Uh, you realize we're still 20-30' in the air and a couple of more lift supports to go before the end? Some people are so eager to put the bar down, but yet even more eager to lift it back up. One time I had my feet on the bar at the crest of Challenge and someone yelled "We gotta lift the bar!". Do they not realize it takes about 2 seconds to lift it?
  7. Cold and dry is good, so long as it's cold enough to make snow!
  8. Good for them, I didn't see that. Looks like a big band of rain heading in... Hopefully they can fix things up Monday night...
  9. With that forecast and the expected lack of crowd, they should just close for the day and conserve the snow.
  10. Yes there is, until the it becomes a burden and requires you to spend your free time on it...
  11. Indeed, building a place is far more fun than just buying an already existing house. It's all so new!! Have a kid or two, then the house goes by the wayside!
  12. The joys of home ownership. The joy only lasts so long...
  13. The noobs get tired of riding the Vista chair and go in search of new terrain... Sunday afternoon, with all the fresh snow from Saturday, had lower Main Street filled with bumps. People coming off Midway & Chute were screaming how big the moguls were and that they weren't gonna go down it again!
  14. Chute was developing a big thin spot Sunday. Wonder when they're start letting that bump up?
  15. Probably could use one for this coming weekend here...
  16. We take them to Vt all the time, knowing full well we'll be skiing at least one day in the rain.... Actually saw someone wearing a butt flap Saturday afternoon up at Blue...
  17. Ugh! and 60's Sunday... Looks like some more seasonable temps for Christmas week though.
  18. Wishing it would stay cold so Saturday's storm would be snow instead of rain...
  19. Worst part might be Jugtown Mountain, depending. Going way out to 145 seems long an awfully long way around. 248 is usually kept pretty clean, just the hills you have to watch for.
  20. I don't think it's gonna be mega crowded either, but I do think it's gonna be more so than the past weekends, mainly because the south got snow, so that's gonna pull them out. Lots will be up for the morning at least, depending on when the flakes start flying. How often do you get to ski a Pocono snow storm?
  21. I hope so, he is the only attendant that has a clue (perhaps that why he left Blue...) as to how to run the 6-pack lines, keep them balanced and keep the VIPs happy! What? You're gonna leave and miss the snow tomorrow???
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