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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. Skull Cracker? I always wondered why they don't just blow below the lift between Come Around and Chute, everyone poaches it anyway? They could just widen the area where it attaches to chute to prevent such a hard turn. Most of the other mountains have lift line runs...
  2. Coming home from Blue yesterday, I was following a nice, new Mustang. Coming up on a stop sign, he hit the brakes and the black ice under the snow had him careening towards the sign. He came to a stop a foot or so from the sign, then jammed on the gas to try to get out of the little ditch, amazingly he made it. Nothing like AWD to go to Blue and back...
  3. Might want to check on what learning method the mountain is using. There's a new "Terrain based learning" method that some of the mountains (Blue, Camelback) are implementing which does away with the old-school, this is how you do it methods and more of a learn by doing method. They use special snow features to aid in the learning.
  4. You really should take a walk through the upstairs, both sides totally redone with faux stone and some crazy changing back bar lighting.
  5. Definitely wet butt syndrome this morning at Blue.
  6. Oh yeah, gonna be like that tomorrow as well. Always like that until they get at least Lazy open.. Time to set up on Main Street opposite Midway for prime viewing...
  7. Hope you're correct, but it being Black Friday, kids off, etc., I'm not putting any money down... Perhaps many will be too stuffed from Thanksgiving to venture out.
  8. They'll blow on top of the re-freeze which will be scraped right off within the first hour after open, there's your start of the bumps... Gonna be a circus watching everyone out for the first day. Bodies strewn all over the place.
  9. Ditto. Got the beat-down if caught skipping...
  10. It's a distinct possibility.
  11. At least the ponds will be full...
  12. Guess I'm dating myself... They used to show us this movie in high school prior to holidays so teachers wouldn't actually have to teach us anything.
  13. Gonna be interesting with the amounts of rain they're forecasting...
  14. I can see the lights looking out through my office window in Hellertown! Tut's Lane is like a beacon when going North on MacArthur Rd. Soylent Green?
  15. Always get a kick out of little kids sitting on the slopes eating the snow... What about the over 7 billion people on this planet along with all the automobiles spewing noxious fumes into the atmosphere, not to mention all the cows that do the same and go to slaughter for the sake of BBQs?
  16. Wow, direction markers on the road. Why can nobody ever follow them?
  17. Let's try to avoid thinking such thoughts...
  18. Bummer! Yeah as much as RCN sucks, SE is by far the worse of the two...
  19. Ugh, you gonna use SE for Internet too?
  20. Next week's lows after Monday look pretty promising...
  21. Saw Tut's Lane lights on from my window this morning. Their FB page shows snow being blown! Say they hope to open Black Friday... (Not holding my breath)
  22. Sure it wasn't a Cadillac with a deadhead sticker on it?
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