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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. The locals don't get it that Ikon passholders come in and spend money locally, which is good for the local economy and helps the mountain stay profitable. The locals only see Ikon passholders as Jerrys coming in to compete with them for fresh powder and crowd the slopes.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised, what with the majority of Republicans in PA government who don't have any interest in legalizing...
  3. Hopefully PA government will listen to the people for once... https://triblive.com/state/pennsylvania/14613558-74/thousands-speak-out-on-recreational-marijuana?fbclid=IwAR2AlQlSZy6iwJNx1v97Ei_PnYPPHWMB0f8ITEoADWNh8NBGjnydQYi5bhc
  4. Meh, everyone just uses the car door! New page! Wa-ha-hooey!
  5. Yeah, and they take 4 long poles, tie them together at one end and spread them out like a tee-pee and wrap a tarp around it for a make-shift tee-pee shitter using the noodle-bucket.
  6. He's playing PNC Bank Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ this year for some reason. After the last concert we went to in Camden, wife said never again. Porta-potties were totally overflowing with a shit river flowing away from them.
  7. Not that I know of. Camden, NJ is typically his closest approach nowadays.
  8. They're calling for like 3' out there from this storm! Oh, and here are some +++++++++++ VIBES +++++++++++
  9. https://www.skibluemt.com/winter-sports/tickets/season-passes/
  10. After working from home for so long, I kinda miss going into an office a little bit (the majority of our group is in Chicago, so I ain't doing that commute). For me, the perfect setup would be a semi-close office/group with the option of working from home/wherever, whenever I wanted.
  11. Trees all aglaze! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Yeah, it's just a lot of illogical stuff they do and don't do that boggles the mind.
  13. Oh, they feel they need to practice running the sled in the bumps in case they need to get someone outta there. But let's be real here, Barney's is not a bump run in Mary Jane, where the run is bumps from edge to edge. If someone would get seriously injured in Barney's are they really gonna take the toboggan down the bumps to the person or will they take it down the smooth part of Main Street and push it into the bumps next to the person? Hmmm... It is BMSP we're talking about, so it wouldn't surprise me in the least that they'd take the toboggan all the way down the bumps to the person AND it would take 5 of them to do it too!
  14. Not only there, but they take the sled and practice in Barney's when there's new powder or fresh blown and they destroy the bumps when everyone else is trying to ski them. It's easy to run the sled when there's soft snow! If they really want to practice, take the sled in at night when the bumps are icebergs and nobody else is running the bumps.
  15. I went to Moravian with John Andretti. Unfortunately he's fighting cancer, but doing better I read...
  16. The only thing they do is hang out on Paradise and whistle at competent sliders, which is obviously a waste of time.
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