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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. It's 19 degrees out, Sidewinder is closed and they're not blowing on it??
  2. To each his own, I'm not preaching, but to attempt to slide rails with a concrete base, well...
  3. Doesn't the 6 usually have issues when it's really cold and windy out? Maybe the crowds don't warrant running it?
  4. They're closing today at 4pm. Probably giving the snowmakers a break during the day.
  5. Also, one of the bumpers that skis at Blue got her picture in the mogul article. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Reading an interesting article about Smuggs in the current SKI rag. Cracking me up about Lot 1’s description and thinking about how Blue’s valley lot is just like it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Pockets of great snow later in the day were spectacular, if you knew where to look. I thought ROTD was first run down Razor's as it had a top layer of gorgeous snow. First run down Challenge (2nd run) wasn't too bad, but already had some marbles from the few others that went down it first. Always amazing how fast conditions go to shit in the morning. Those early runs are the best! Hurray new page!
  8. The finale to the return from Chicago trip from Hell, only 3 hours late... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. They finally got the Main Street double running after noon, which was a mystery as to why it wasn't running earlier, with long lines on both the Burma and Main street sides. Rumor was that it was broken. Other rumors were that it wasn't. Magically they got it running after lunch. Who knows???
  10. Y'all gonna have some epic shits this morning!
  11. Aren't you supposed to be skiing??
  12. Definitely the P-Dog! Gotta quit early though if you want any free food as it goes fast.
  13. He didn't have his GoPro on his helmet last night!
  14. Utah boys will be missing out on fresh Pocono Perder!
  15. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. The buses don't bother me, it's the kids they carry that do! New page!
  18. Typically after a good storm the groomers will leave Switchback ungroomed, which makes it even better and a ton of fun, the way it should be!
  19. That had to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen at Blue, a patroller running out of the last corner to get right in front of GSS to try to stop him! It was all I could do to stop laughing, as I could just see in my mind GSS running into the guy and taking him out. The patroller and GSS went left, I went around to the right and chuckled the rest of the way to the 6.
  20. The buses were crazy last night! I came around the bottom corner on Mountain Drive to see what had to be like 20+ of them in the auxiliary lot.
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