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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. Old Phartz! I LOL'd Whitefish is on the bucket list. Take a ride out to Turner, it's supposed to be great.
  2. Bah! If Salty could do it, I'm sure you can too. Sometimes Mrs. Snowbunski is around, but typically instructing.
  3. Getting late out there and no updates from the Blue RTM crew? Hope there wasn't TOO much partying last night!
  4. There's always Mad Taco right up the road...
  5. A checklist. I love it! Get ready @tarponhead!! And when Dennis responds, I'm gonna tell him I'm the 732 best skier on the mountain, so deal with that!
  6. At least double Matt Edge deep out there this morning!
  7. I hate having to deal with changing flights or whatever. I just play "Would ya do her" in my head in between checking all the various infotainment sites.
  8. QFT! I have no qualms about being in the terminal early. Just blow time people-watching.
  9. Have a good trip out @toast21602, @mute1080 and Ryan and don't forget to write. Pics or it didn't happen!
  10. Wow, it's Matt Edge deep out there this morning!
  11. The weather will be, like Dinah Shore. I don't get wound up over it because there's not much I can do about it, but ski the snow that was dealt.
  12. Of course, the Ice coasters are coming to town...
  13. Yup, time to start cashing in on next year's season pass!
  14. Bummer. I was waxing skis and starting to pack.
  15. Why do you think he's gotta bum pizza from unsuspecting tourists?
  16. It’ll be better than just ok, regardless!
  17. I have one also and take it along on trips out west. I don’t like carrying bottles of water.
  18. When the wife and I would fly out, we'd get a room for the night before at one of the hotels right next to the airport which had "getaway specials" where you get a room and they allow you to leave the car in their lot, then take the shuttle to the terminal and back. I don't know if they still do that or not though.
  19. “They had already been down four to six times,” she said. “On the last run, they said it was very icy and they were patches with no snow.” Sounds like a typical afternoon at Blue this season!
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