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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. I'm pumped for the Indy Pass again. Looking forward to some Greek, Montage, and Shawnee days.
  2. a lot of activity this morning
  3. Iron Pigs game yesterday afternoon. had some nice box seats that gave a great view of the airport and a DC-3 that kept flying around the valley. Grass is way greener than mine at the moment.
  4. Those look luscious! We're in beet mode over here.
  5. Do it and let us know. Always thought about it. Have fun!
  6. That heat would be fierce up there. It's always hot to begin with, and I'm sure it will rain on turn two and nowhere else.
  7. Really wish a camera was pointed towards the "construction" that might be occurring. A lot of nothing seems to be going on.
  8. Yeah, but it is definitely getting stressed and isn't looking as nice and green right now.
  9. Damn. I wish we would get some rain. I finally drained the last drop from my collection barrel last night so I had to use the hose for the first time this summer to water the garden.
  10. 6lbs of beans picked today. Raspberries are exploding but blueberries are starting to dwindle. Still picking at least a pint every night.
  11. The last two days of berry harvest has been fantastic. Brought in 3lbs of beans last night too, but no picture of those. Even with the last few weeks being pretty dry things have been doing well.
  12. 😔 No, I was asked to represent St. Luke's on their employee appreciation night. Obviously it was a strike, but it wasn't the true 60' 6" since they set up in front of the plate. Fact 🤷‍♂️
  13. Can't wait to see that same thing happening at Blue!
  14. That is pretty awesome @PSUFly! Looks like she had a great time. I got to throw out the first pitch there like a decade ago.
  15. I was hoping that thing would somehow make it through all of this. RIP.
  16. that would be a comfortable parking lot chair if you want to just drop it in Blue's lot
  17. they still have ~5 months. I think it will be done, tested, and inspected before that.
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