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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Atomic Jeff 2014 we had no new snow first 5 ski days and then 14" last two I don't think we've had an epic snow trip since 2012 when Johnny style was with us. The
  2. My uncle used to patrol at Jack Frost and he would always patrol on xmas.
  3. What's what it costs over the holidays on short notice. Rental cars are 2-3 times as much. Otherwise I'd be going out west somewhere as I'm off work until the 4th
  4. Maybe by around the 5th and lazy mile for the 10th. Me and Jeff were saying we'd be happy with 5 more days at blue before JH on the 24th
  5. My Allentown friend is flying out to JH with his low intermediate girlfriend on the 26th. Airfare was $1100
  6. Are you a Jew? Stowe and killington should prob still be open cams.
  7. I don't think I've ever skied on xmas day but I always ski on New Year's Day and usually Easter.
  8. These are the worst of times for PA and northeast skiing. Supposed to get to the 60s today in Vermont.
  9. Yup round the clock snowmaking early next week in Vermont.
  10. 37-30 and 40-28 for the 28th and 29th for mountain pocono respectively hmmm would be wishcasting to call the snowmaking weather especially with a moist atmosphere.
  11. Would prob be more driving than that. Today is a huge travel day.
  12. Nice maybe Blue can be 100% sometime in February. I wanna ski razors and switchback and nightmare to dream weaver.
  13. Times two people always get their smartphones stolen at the bar they keep em out on bar and go to bathroom or outside and disappears.
  14. Wow and I only got a text from Matt edge about grinding the spine.
  15. Yes!!! If it's gonna be warm might as well set some records. If the long range is correct maybe a reopening at blue around January 4th Sun angle is low so that means it will eventually get cold
  16. Supposed to be 72 degrees in the A on Thursday. I'll be in Arlington VA and expected high there is 76
  17. Why the hate on people who vape.. I'm sure JLAW is gonna be rocking raspberry vinegrete flavored vapors.
  18. The blue runs at Jackson Hole are the most dangerous..the easiest blue is as steep and fast as razors. The groomed double blues are like hold on for your lyfe helmet whistling 40 meter radius GSS turns. Its ambassador Tommy Moes stomping grounds for the last two decades. We witness countless skiers every trip go ass over teakettle on blue groomers and these are awkward twisting falls..I know my first visit to Jackson hole I was a bit taken aback by the steepness of some of the herb routes. Be careful everybody. We all wanna ski for a long long time. Always sad when a skier or rider passes.
  19. A young woman died today in a tree well at Jackson hole the second death so far this season at the resort and both were females who died. This occurred next to sundance which is a blue and the other death occured off the intermediate apres vous slopes. http://www.tetongravity.com/story/ski/breaking-skier-dies-at-jackson-hole-moutain-resort
  20. It's been spot on for the last several weeks. The main culprit the next week or two is rain. A moist atmosphere does not allow the temperature to drop the typical 20-25 degrees at night time which allows for limited snowmaking in dry patters when daytime highs are well into the 40s. Anyway everywhere will be starting from scratch after the next three days. Overnight lows in the 50s with fog and rain and an unfrozen ground eat snow that hasn't even had a chance to set up. Mount snow north will prob make it through the whole holiday week on limited terrain
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