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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. College girls never get old...literally
  2. Sounds like you're working about as hard as me today...I've literally just written a few checks so far, talked to one funeral director and gonna go to the post office and buy stamps...boring... in my next life I'm gonna be a professor like toast.
  3. It's supposed to be warm for the next week.
  4. Oh yeah those are popular out west. I thought Kyle meant ski bikes.
  5. I doubt it..is there anywhere locally that offers ski bike rentals??
  6. I see them at the Allentown farmers market. Some of them look inbred..real wide eyed lol
  7. If you were a mountain biker you'd probably say you were going out driving lol
  8. Sure the Amish can have fun. They're a happy bunch..I've seen many documentaries on the Amish. They sing and dance and play games..they're also hard working.
  9. Indiggio...Ski2Live got after it yesterday no need to be Salty...that bike trail weaves back and forth between Sidewinder and Lazy mile from Tuts lane to just above the falls. Amazing stuff...he probably followed this guy into it.
  10. whats it like showing up four hours after opening on a powder day??
  11. I'm thinking like 6-8" id call them up and see. There's absolutely no info on their webpage and their Facebook page is garbage. Doesn't matter than much it's gonna be packed powder tomorrow.
  12. It wasn't about the skis getting messed up it's that the person fell face first into snow covered rocks..for low tide conditions like that you'd want to be light on your feet with s flat ski and sort of hop around and he carved his edges in like he was in a perfect turn clinic with Salty.
  13. Salty has a future career in ski resort marketing.
  14. Wow just wow that will decrease the skis resale value by 17%
  15. Also if Camelback doesn't groom this weekend it will be icy death.
  16. Salty you'll likely be some sort of low intermediate for a couple seasons unless you take lessons.
  17. Salty did you get to Montage for opening?
  18. To be an expert you have to be able to tackle the expert terrain at a challenging western resort with ease..I've skied over 1,000 days and I consider myself advanced..not expert...only a tiny percentage of people are experts mainly level three instructors and ski patrollers.
  19. Nice report. I'm looking forward to your montage report.
  20. You might have to load it to VIMEO or Facebook or YouTube then share.
  21. A friend of a friend lives in the same building as Ryan Gosling..
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