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ARM NAVY Selling BURTON boards for $180


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i'm calling troll on this one folks. we've got one thread (this one) where he is claiming to be an x snowboard instructor, and another thread where he can't even figure out how to size himself for a snowboard. seems to me like someone who held a job teaching other's to snowboard should know a thing or two in that area.


either way there robby, enjoy that deal ya got.


keep us up to date on it's performance though...

just kidding please don't...

but really please report back soon.

Edited by nick malozzi
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What will YOU be doing every week day this winter?


There's yer fuel.

Just realize that this was probably directed at me. Well every week day I'll be sitting on my ass working, and counting down the minutes until I can get out and climb, ride, or kayak. Stick around though, it will make my days in the office much more amusing.

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If you know so much about Snowboards..why do you spend 5 hours listening to store clerks in Whitehall..and by the way..I'm a proud Whitehall resident..next time your in town..PM me and we can do lunch at the Olive Garden or something or if you like Chilis..Skifreak will want to join us as well because he likes the fajitas..MSY..Mad Steezy Yo..wow I thought I'm long winded..you wrote a freakin essay..



I don't drive any more on account of impaired vision so I take the bus from Jim Thorpe to

Whitehall because you have all those malls and Nestors and sporting goods chain stores.

I spend hours with all these store clerks because my local ski shop is Blue Mountain Sports and

they only have a very small selection of snowboards.... types and sizes.

I bought skis last year at Alpina ski shop (940 snowboards) ...a mile away from JAck Frost

because I wanted to finally learn how to ski. I took lessons. Had a blast. Bought skis the next day.

Even with Alpinia...its a selection issue again... local small shop verses the valley.

I figured I don't ski much so buying from Alpina supports local businesses and I do like my skis.

So I head down your way and see what I can find out about what the industry offers now.

Last year I bought a Silence MRI 155 from www.boardsforless.com for $120.

The year before I bought a Silence 155 from a guy on ebay WITH Burton bindings for $110

who never got any time on the snow....so ..yes... a used board from a non-rider.

I had not been on the snow in 6 years while I was in hospitals on morphine so I figured I'd

ease back into snowboarding by going real cheap ...buy a used board on EBAY and see if I

remembered how to snowboard after being laid up for 6 years.

I was carving ribbons the width of sidewalks by the 3rd time down the hill and the adrenaline

pumping me up was better than any drug I'd ever done.

So the next year I bought that boardsforless MRI 155 thinking I had fun on the EBAY board...why

not get another Silence. I rode that board 2000 times . Got my money's worth.

SO I try to find out ANYTHING about silence and there is nothing on the web about who makes

Silence boards.


So this year I figured I'd check into Burton. A reputable stable name brand


the product lines are freaking ghosts.....

I can't find anything I need to know about the boards on the web.

Or maybe its just me.

Burton's web site says a lot about clothes and very little about snowboards.

So I'm on a fact finding mission when I head south to the valley and all these people selling

snowboards and so many of them really clueless about the products.


I didn't really spend 5 hours shopping snowboards... only 4 hours.

I also went to BestBuy and bought a UPS and then to Guitar Center where I bought my bass.

But really.... its lots of fun shopping for snowboards when they have such huge selections.

Its not the same as my home town shop with 12 boards on display and 2 are my size.... and only

the $500 and $700 priced boards.

Then we get to graphics.

I don't want a board with bling gold chains from DC boards or

a board with skulls and dead shit.

I watched medovac lifeflight helicopter pull head injury kids out of Jack Frost countless times

last year. I don't need any death shit on my snowboards.


I get to the valley once a twice a month by bus. with Christmas coming I'm sure I'll be down your

way again.

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Just realize that this was probably directed at me. Well every week day I'll be sitting on my ass working, and counting down the minutes until I can get out and climb, ride, or kayak. Stick around though, it will make my days in the office much more amusing.


troll? huh?

x snowboard instructor.... did it for 5 years... one year full time days then night lessons 4 years.


I walked into Big Boulder 13 years ago and asked how to become an instructor.

They asked me if I would show up at 8AM all winter.

Then they asked me if I wanted part time or full time.... full time being 4 days or more a week.

I said 6 days of paid snow time sounds fun to me.


They paid instructors to teach the new bunch of instructors and hundreds of skiers every year

would come and say they would teach...because EVERY SKI INSTRUCTOR GOT FREE SEASON PASSES


So anyone who could ski a little came out to be an instructor hoping to get the free season passes

for their families. IF you had 3 kids and a wife that skied you were making out big time there

because you could show up for 3 or 4 lessons a month on busy weekends and your whole family

skied free all winter.

So to weed out the riffraff they charged $150 for Instructor Training Class.... ITC....and $250 for

a North Face red uniform jacket....if you got hired.

Then after 2 weekends of ITC they picked the top 30 NEW instructors and everyone else was

just out $150.


So I said gee...wow.. I didn't know so many people wanted to be snowboard instructors.

They blinked and said YOU... YOU want to be a snowboard instructor? NOT a SKI instructor?

And I said I don't know how to ski, is that a problem, I only snowboard.

They then said they waive the $150 ITC fee and hired me on the spot.


You see... back then they had brand new snowboards to rent but the only people

who knew how to TEACH snowboarding back then were skater rats, kids, and surfer dudes, who

had no work ethic so they wouldn't show up for work at 8AM, would miss lessons, go ride

, get lunch, miss lessons, get high, go ride, and bug out when it got dark and icy, and

yes... miss the 6PM lessons.

The SKI instructors were a whole other breed of dicks who would have nothing to do at all with

this great band of snowboard lowlifes.... and of course...would have nothing to do with

learning how to snowboard themselves.


Sooooo...I got hired because I'm an adult.

Their first snowboard instructor adult.

I looked old.... beard and bald...

and I would show up at 8AM for the job like an adult and none of this kiddie shit blowing off lessons.

They also required ALL of the SKI instructors to learn to be snowboard instructors

because they couldn't keep selling lessons and the damned kids wouldn't show up

to teach.

Then they said it works both ways... I had to learn to ski and teach skiing also.

I said that if I tried to ski and got injured I would be out of the snowboard teaching for the

winter and we can't have that happen now could we.

So then they said I don't have to ski now but will have to learn at the very end of the season.

They had just started renting shaped skis back then and at the very end of the season with

maybe 2 weeks of mashed potato snow I then finally had 3 ski lessons and then did not ski again

until last year.

So... yes... I was a snowboard instructor and that first year did it full time 6 days a week.

I taught more than 500 kids how to snowboard that year...sent 5 to the hospital...all were treated and released.....and I did school groups of 30 kids at a time

after school... 6 PM to 8 PM at night on solid ice hardpack.

Big Boulder used to be open all day long and the surface would be pocked with foot prints

and then when the sun went down each foot print froze and made little craters and sharp gopher

holes. There were very few days of teaching on powder.

So... yes... ICE is NICE. Learn to ride ICE and then SPEED is GOOD.



I hope you found this amusing.

What I find amusing is the guys saying they can't read long posts.

As if they posting "HOLY SHIT I'M NOT READING THAT" is why we read forums.

Yea ... I look forward to finding more insightful and meaningful posts from Toast and First Grade Teacher. Not.

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I need to stop reading Roberts post or I'm going to be late for work..


Yes I used to be a paperboy

I delivered newspapers

to peoples homes

I delivered the Morning Call

I would wake up early

and deliver them

to lots of different

houses in my neighborhood

some of my customers

would say thank you for the newspaper

but some of them I never saw

I delivered the newspapers really early

in the morning when it was dark outside

the newspaper is a paper filled with news

the ink would get on my hands and

I made about a dollar per week per customer

At Christmas some of my customers would

tip me..yes they would give me money

I could put the money in the bank

or I could go to stores and buy things with the money

It was good exercise because I did alot of walking

some paperboys did their route on a bike

or rollerblades


We had a special paperboys day at Dorney Park

I went on a ton of Rollercoasters

There was free hot dogs and soda

I like soda because it is sweet

and it makes me burp

now I drink diet soda because I'm fat

Do you like soda? yes it's fun to drink soda

from a straw..especially if it's bendy

I used to drink soda at the High School football games

There were lots of pretty girls

I was nervous to talk to them

but now I'm not nervous to talk to them

but most of the pretty girls are married

some are into girls and are Lebanese or Lesbian or something

I don't understand it but when I see two girls kiss

It makes me feel funny in my pants

So anyway we should ski together

at Big Boulder

I'll have my Mom make us sandwiches

and I'll bring them in my backpack

and we can eat them on the lift

and then ski

Do you like Ham and Steeze???



Ok that was just stupid.....funny as hell and I'm sure that was your intent... oh man...

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being an instructor means nothing anyone can be an instructor. i have seen countless instructors who have trouble making it down a blue square let alone actually knowing something about the sport. exspecting an instructor to know things about snowboarding is like expecting the kid at the grocery store who stocks shelves to know something about cooking food, it just doesn't happen very often.

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being an instructor means nothing anyone can be an instructor. i have seen countless instructors who have trouble making it down a blue square let alone actually knowing something about the sport. exspecting an instructor to know things about snowboarding is like expecting the kid at the grocery store who stocks shelves to know something about cooking food, it just doesn't happen very often.








was really desperate for instructors!!!!!


But you miss the point about being an instructor.

It doesn't matter if you are GREAT at snowboarding black diamonds.

All that matters is that you can teach the new kids how to stop and turn and ride down the

hill in control and how to get on and off the lift.

Thats it.

Thats all.

Do just that much and no more and you have a ski resort that will generate new riders every year

who PAY to have fun and WILL return for more fun year after year.

Do anything less and you have a skate park and a date with a medovac.



SO then as you wait for lessons all day long you , the instructor with no students MOST of the day

during week days, you get to ride, and ride you do all day long and get paid for it.

Yea.... paid by the hour to ride.....even if you aren't teaching lessons.

Its a job. Punch a clock... get paid by the hour.

OH , and when you teach, you get tips.

You might be too young to remember the time when skiers were only rich people and

a ski lesson was done with great care to protect the life of the student....

and the student, students parents, tipped you for not getting them killed.

Lessons cost $70 and tips were usually $20 to $50 for private lessons.

SO IF YOU EVER TAKE A LESSON remember to tip the instructor.

They are like waiters, they work for tips, not the $6 an hour hourly pay rate.


Instructors can be certified also.

These people are serious about learning how to teach.

So when you say ANYONE can be an instructor you have separate the levels of

these people's commitment to being an instructor.

Some just teach the new kids and some really learned how to fly the jumps and ride half pipe.



Either way.....

I spent 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, for 12 weeks at BB and got paid for it.

It was one of the best job I ever had.

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I don't know, maybe I"m the only one and if I am I'll shut up, but it just seems absolutely ridiculous that you could have spent that much time on the snow and HAVE NEVER PROGRESSED as a rider.

Seems fishy fo sho.


I love this alias. Keep going!

x2. if this guy is for real though i think i'd love to meet him.



The office manager at my work says your posts are painful.. :D

What does she say about yours?

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I was an instructor at Elk, and I highly doubt JFBB pays its instructors by the hour. Lessons happen at scheduled times... Why would they pay you to be there when they know there isn't going to be a lesson?



Its not play land and you don't expect instructors to come sit around waiting for lessons and

then only pay them if they teach a lesson.


As a job on the snow it also had cold weather restrictions.

You were not allowed to teach for longer than 2 hours without getting at least an hour of

lodge time to warm up. So there was always some crew of ski instructors just hanging out in the

instructor locker room/lunch room.

February was always hardest for the ski instructors. They wore tight bunny suits and froze


the snowboard instructors wore baggy clothes and could always layer on more warm clothes.


I don't know what they do now but 13 years ago you got paid by the clock.

You were expected to be there an hour before lifts opened to the public and when someone called

for a ski lesson they could book the lessons and management knew that they hand enough instructors

present to even book the lessons and teach group lessons.




R2 $6 x 8 hr = $48 a day - tax probably around $40 a day. does that even cover the cost of lunch at the ski resort?


I didn't care about the money.

I was computer programmer making enough money in 3 months to pay all my bills for a year so

taking 12 weeks off programming to be a snowboard instructor was nothing more than my

winter fitness program.... and they paid me to be there.

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I don't know, maybe I"m the only one and if I am I'll shut up, but it just seems absolutely ridiculous that you could have spent that much time on the snow and HAVE NEVER PROGRESSED as a rider.


Who ever said I never progressed?

I started off doing nothing more than falling leaves and breaking all the way down the hill


a race instructor taught me how to carve real fast on ice.

So thats all I really do now. Carve really fast and have a blast doing it.

It took a few years before they built park features and a decent half pipe.

So I never really grew up with rail grinding and jumping like you young guys.

I only learned speed and control and how to teach newbies how to ride without getting killed.


Then my real work, computer programming, took me away from the snow a few years and when I came back it was only after my health and vision was failing so now all I do is "lap the blues" .

So what. At least I get to snowboard every day for the whole season.

Its a retirement plan I can live with.

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