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they should make 2 more of the palmer rails. theyre the shit. Im going to miss it as a down rail :[

But yay for an up rail. Is it actually an up rail? or ehhhh


when you all refer to the palmer rail... is this the flatstock double barrel with rounded ends that always used to just be called the red rail? because it used to be the only red rail when everything was all sorts of different colors?

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when you all refer to the palmer rail... is this the flatstock double barrel with rounded ends that always used to just be called the red rail? because it used to be the only red rail when everything was all sorts of different colors?

yep, thats the palmer rail. and sean the palmer rail is a definite up. its setup good.

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Went up last night from 630ish till closing. Conditions werent terrible even though most of the good snow was pushed off. Its ashame that cascade doesnt really allow bear to build progressivly bigger jumps. It would be sick if they could build a step down jump halfway down the inrun to the first jump. Which could possibly allow them to build bigger jumps towards the middle/buttom of the trail. Also I would love to see a mellow down rail off the cliff, with a nice landing like it had earlier in the year.

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the new rail setup is sooo sick. finally no more 1 foot off the ground stuff. the candy cane landing needs to be pushed just a little bit closer though beause its hard to make without airing the first half of the rail. the hitching post is kind of lame though i dont really know what its supposed to be its like a pole laying on a mound of snow. it would be cooler with multiple lips instead of just the one.

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dont take this as bashing bciw its constructive critsism

* the mailbox off the cliff is sick

* the butter box is way too high off the ground, isnt their a healthy inbetween?

* the up palmer was sick untill the landing got pushed back

* the c box is too far away from the lip and too far away from the landing

* the pole jam could be sick if it had a landing and was fixed more than once a night

* the gap onto the butterpad to down rail is to big, you have to gap on and try and scrub speed before you hit the rail or you'll clear it

* the candycane ontop of the butter pads landing needs to be closer


I watched 2 different members of park crew do the same thing. They fixed the lip onto the butterbox and ignored the giant rut in the landing. Then not fix the up palmer which had a giant rut in the lip.

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after hearing some of the bad news about the park from my friends, i really want to see this for myself.


Oh and why hasnt the wall ride been up all season?


And could you make the hitching post and actual hitching post

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