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About antman12

  • Birthday 09/12/1990

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  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    Bear Creek, Blue Mtn and Epic

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Super-G Racer

Super-G Racer (6/10)

  1. Creek is the same size as Blue. Has more trails I believe and more lifts. Also far more trash lol
  2. First run. IMG_2764.MOV Second run. First on Sassy IMG_2763.MOV
  3. Yesterday morning was the single best hour ive had at BC. Left extra early not knowing the road conditions and quickly realized they were simply wet so I arrived in the lot about 45 minutes before opening and was the 2nd non worker there lol. First in line at about 805 and hung out with some others till rope drop. My plan was to hit E lift so I could beat everybody else to F lift and get untrack Sasquatch. As I got to E lift I was told F lift was closed. So I took a run down and back to E lift and by this time F lift was open so I shot down there and was still one of the first people down Sassy. Single best run Ive ever had at BC. After that I hiked back over to F lift so I could hit Extreme which was simply incredible. Back up E lift, down to F lift and took another run down Sasquach. By this point both trails were basically tracked out so I spent the next 90 minutes enjoying the mountain. Simply amazing morning.
  4. Wasnt bad for the first hour but it’s getting busier. I’d imagine it’ll be a sheit show soon.
  5. Somebody’s blasting Kid Rock in the parking lot and I’m officially hype now 😅
  6. Been a couple weeks. Been busy AF and it’s a lot harder for me to get to blue with limited time. Hoping to free up for March.
  7. Right? Lol. I wanna go now just for the throwback to my childhood.
  8. How do I keep missing you?! I was there from 5-8 and kept an eye out the whole time. The snow was awful granular sh*t at the base....but on the actual trails the snow was much better. Light. B chair got "crowded" for like an hour but it was still wasnt bad.
  9. This was more than likely at the restaurant, not the cafe.
  10. Go ski with your niece and nephew. You wont regret it and they wont forget it.
  11. @DiMe is it just me or is Stevenson Express notably faster than most high speed lifts?
  12. @Mixilplix I was looking for you but never saw you when I was there between 6-8. Rode from 6-8ish doing a handful of runs off of the triple then started doing some top to bottom runs and finished with a few more runs off of the triple. GFs progressing well, still mostly pizza-ing around but starting to carve a little bit more and handly speed better without panicking. Learning how to do full stops better and better each time out. Its pretty cool to watch somebody progress from hardly getting down the carpet hill to doing top to bottom runs in about 2 weeks/4 trips. Last night was the first night that she truly had fun!
  13. I believe they only close Timberline on Tuesday nights and I doubt they'll be busy tonight unless Wednsday nights are a big school trip night. Ill be up tonight puttering around with my GF.
  14. Wow that is a ghost town! truthfully I kinda felt bad for them Saturday morning as the place was dead for a prime winter Saturday morning.
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