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  1. Yesterday
  2. Wondering who "engineered" that roadway???? Drainage? Who needs drainage?
  3. they closed it and "patched" the 8 inch gaps. reopened it. but a mudslide in a separate area caused it to be closed anyway a day later. then it collapsed.
  4. Last week
  5. Does the road closure effect like 6 people that don't own planes?
  6. i saw a post where maybe they closed the road because of a large crack, and then the next day road gone.
  7. Just google it and see the photos. Wow just wow. I drove that a few times. Important road for people who work in the Jackson area.
  8. Earlier
  9. Only if they groomed the perder last night. I dont ski @moe ghouls
  10. It’s still ski season in the east.. @saltyant you wanna carpool up to the beast of the east tomorrow? We can meet at a rest stop..not in the mens room that’s weird.
  11. Camel has their "Lazy River" webcam set up to move in a repetitive pattern. This makes it much more interesting IMO. Wish Blue would do the same with the Valley cam, and maybe Vista and Slopeside, in the winter. https://www.camelbackresort.com/live-cam-gallery/
  12. Just being comical Root is pretty irrelevant
  13. Root is married, so why give it to him?
  14. They have been for a couple decades, shadows are you really divorced?
  15. Costco selling coffins doesnt help?
  16. We are a dying industry, more people get cremated, less buried and with cremations people are less likely to have their own memorial stone. At least four local monument companies have gone out of business in the last 20 years. The industry is changing and yeah people die in the winter more than the summer at least in North America and the day with the most deaths is January 1st…Xmas to New Years week lots of deaths..combination of more travel, more alcohol use, more over eating, more stress and more viruses in the winter…
  17. Doug you are in a recession proof industry. Death. Birth. Taxes. And alcohol. And guns. Is there a death season?
  18. Inflation is rough…taxes are rough…I don’t know how most normal people can afford the rent and car payments and stuff. Wages vs cost of living doesn’t equate. I’m sure in Bidens second term things will get better lol
  19. Living is expensive. I would've voted for that "rent is too damn high" guy.
  20. A friend of mine has a jet ski rental. makes skiing look cheap.
  21. Country, pop... Hell yea dude
  22. Are you a swiftie? My friend is flying to London next week to see the Phillies and then going to Scotland to see Taylor Swift perform.
  23. I had a dream last night .. Taylor Swift came to Jim Thorpe and I got 3tickets. So I guess I peaked in life. Funs over.
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