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Everything posted by saltyant

  1. Thanks, but I'm actually quite gangster and from the 'hood. I remember in November 2017 when you thought I was a Teton Maggot Gravity Forum super Troll. Turns out I'm just a normal everyday Troll.
  2. Thanks Gretsky. Since I'm famous now, I'm auctioning my RTMs, autographed by me, with bids starting at $10,000.
  3. I got 2 packs of bagels so I think we're in good shape bagel wise.
  4. Does that mean no skifari this year?
  5. Thanks, I can pick up OJ too if needed. I have his number and some sports memorabilia @GrilledSteezeSandwich.
  6. At least you have a fun week planned out with great movies to watch. Contagion and 12 Monkeys. Maybe throw in a zombie apocalypse movie too. I'll be watching some movies also, we can watch them simultaneously and start a live movie discussion thread to fight off extreme boredom from prolonged self quarantine.
  7. I'm going to Walmart tonight so anything you need just post here before 6 pm. My list - Cups - Fruit roll ups
  8. People need their dopamine fixes since there's no sportsball, parades or Broadway musicals, so they're buying cars instead. Why not, YOLO
  9. TFTI. Grate stuff!! Razor's Edge was aaahmazing! Smooth like butter, just like my CRJ-700 landing in Flight Simulator last night. I must've made at least a dozen laps on Razor's. Pleasantly surprised today, I bet there's still some fresh cord on X-ing. Grate Middleswarth chips and pretzels in the parking lot, and that scratch on my Sonic from Mrs. Snowbunski's skis will buff right out. Even skied about 5 runs with @eaf and his daughter. I skied for more than 90 minutes today. WTGAI JADIP TFTI Ok.
  10. Here's my communication apparatus for this weekend. Paper Cup Phone. @AtomicSkier
  11. Had a meeting this week with bankers, and no one was shaking hands, lol. The new norm is the Vulcan salute that Mr. Spock does.
  12. I'll bring the fruit by the foots. Just kidding @pops! Let me know what you'd like me to bring.
  13. We really should take a trip to Verbier with Matt Edge. Can you imagine the discussions on the plane ride for 8 hours between the 3 of us? I'd record us and send them to @AtomicSkier to listen to on repeat during his runs.
  14. @GrilledSteezeSandwich can use his connections to get them to run a lift and we'll have the whole mountain to ourselves.
  15. Does this mean no parking lot party @AtomicSkier @GrilledSteezeSandwich ??
  16. Society is crumbling. Anarchy is on the horizon @vtmark. Tonight I'm taking the rest of my savings out and going to the casino, where I'll lose $5 and then put my savings back in. Then I'll drop bank on some strippers (paint strippers for my deck). Maybe I'll even buy Fun Dip. It's gonna be a grate night. Gotta live like we're dying.
  17. You made the right choice getting out of Yurp. You can complain all you want to an airline when things go wrong, they don't give a funk. I learned that when I was stuck in Dallas.
  18. Good thinking, get out of Yurp while you can. Italy is basically under martial law right now.
  19. Correct, but from I've read citizens must be screened, and it might disrupt flights. Who knows, everyday this thing gets crazier.
  20. I think Trump said American citizens can return if they're screened, but it might cause significant flight cancellations.
  21. @AtomicSkier @toast21602 Trump just restricted travel from Europe (excluding UK) starting Friday. Not trolling. I don't know the details but just want to let you know. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/03/11/world/coronavirus-news.amp.html
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