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Everything posted by saltyant

  1. I'm going to start wearing my ski face mask.
  2. That's a good one! I don't plan to ever ask anyone for permission to ski 🤣 I'm like Eric Cartman, I do what I want!
  3. There's a stay at home order in effect in Luzerne County. Just got back from a 38 mile bike ride and there was so much damn traffic, even on the back roads. WTF???
  4. Correct. My radius is a 1 hour drive.
  5. Wow just wow, checked back on this thread and see I was mentioned once or twice and that's a grate radical pic of me on Elons. I've been doing online dating and pulling digits but it gets boring just texting and currently not being able to go out on dates. There is absolutely no way to expand my social circle in northeast PA, especially not in Hazleton, even in normal times, and especially not in this Covid 19 crap enivronment. Ok back to depressing Covid 19 news...
  6. Nope. I think a cruise would be fun with a girlfriend, but since that'll never happen I'll stick to doing my solo road trips. I'd probably go stir crazy being trapped on a ship and prefer to drive around the country and do whatever I want.
  7. We should take shots everytime Mike Pence displays his 15 days to slow the spread sign. I think he sleeps and showers with that sign.
  8. Thank you for your service. I salute you.
  9. Grate stuff, bring your Castles and we'll ski Mount Steezy.
  10. @GrilledSteezeSandwich You can borrow my face mask!
  11. I read somewhere gas might drop to below $1 a gallon. We'll see what happens.
  12. I'll do my patriotic duty to reinstate thread integrity. @GrilledSteezeSandwich How's your Colorado ski trip planning going? If you don't go we should take the bus to Chinatown.
  13. Fun fact of the day: Malvern's population is 3,445
  14. Sorry to hear that Steeze. We're royally screwed in Hazleton. So many people travel back and forth between NY/NJ that the citizens petitioned the mayor to shut down the daily shuttle service. Some have, some are still operating I believe. Plus there are warehouses everywhere and people are continuing to work. Giant breeding grounds for COVID-19 cases. I hate even going in grocery stores but what am I gonna do for cat food?
  15. I'm jelly, WTGAI. I'd settle for regular apple pie without raisins.
  16. I just want to see Matt Edge in action in the field. He can probably walk up to any chick, literally say anything and pull digits.
  17. That would be a dream come true. Matt Edge can take me to Piecasso to teach me how he effortlessly picks up chicks, and will pass on all his wisdom and knowledge: Step 1: be attractive Step 2: don't be unattractive
  18. Not a bad idea if food shortages become reality. Just be prepared to defend your bounty from veggie pirates.
  19. Oh God no! If this is over by winter I'm taking 2 ski trips next season to make up for this (if I'm still alive by then).
  20. Money isn't everything and a lot of people have it much, much worse than us right now, so I'm not really letting it bother me.
  21. Here's me each day Monday thru Friday
  22. I think a 2 month Wuhan style lockdown is needed. As much as it would suck, it would greatly minimize deaths and get this shit over with faster instead of dragging it out for the entire year or worse.
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