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Everything posted by saltyant

  1. When are you going, in April? That's likely when it will peak, but who knows. I usually don't worry about health but right now I'd be worried about the whole airport experience and even renting a car - who knows if the virus is in the car. Also you might get stuck in CO if there's a nationwide lockdown and all domestic flights are cancelled. If the hype is real I can see that happening in the coming months..
  2. Where are you gonna ski? Did you hear the news that ski resorts in the Poconos closed due to some virus?
  3. Damnit, I read this then something else and then realized I have that damn song stuck in my head again.
  4. I'm going tomorrow and will be practicing 100% social isolation. I'm guessing by next week PA will be in lockdown, which it be should already. Someone in Hazleton has it now.
  5. He picked a good time to leave us. Knew when to fold 'em.
  6. Was just listening to a power metal song that I was jamming to while skiing through knee deep powder glades in Steamboat. Damn dudes, I would do anything to go back in time a month and experience that again instead of dealing with this current bullshit. 🥶
  7. I'll join if you do. I'm going through withdrawals and miss your hilarious jokes and stories like when you accidentally made #1 in a hotel. You should invite Matt Edge too.
  8. Wrong! I loved it! Now we just need some Davy Jones. He's out of this world!
  9. Thanks, that was extremely groovy and far out! Maybe I'll go for a walk like the Brady kids too!
  10. I think Steeze is bored from being stuck in his hotel house and just looking to push your buttons for the lols.
  11. When I was a young lad in middle school, I preferred Jan.
  12. Once things return to normal I'll start a D&L trail ride discussion in the bike thread. It would be great if you'd join us!
  13. Ok. I plan to ride this weekend. None taken, maybe we can plan a ride for 2021.
  14. Yep. Talking to people on Skype or Zoom or whatever isn't the same. Everyone knows I can't stand working from home long term and have only done it a week here or there. One of these weekends we should meet up and do a bike ride on the D&L trail. I've been taking this seriously and haven't been around anyone since the party. Once we've all been quarantined for 14 days I think it's safe to be in reasonably close proximity on bike trails or roads. One silver lining is road biking should be safer due to less traffic.
  15. If I recall, @eaf was arguing the virus is no big deal, versus @toast21602 arguing that it is a big deal.
  16. 2 Lehigh University students test positive for coronavirus https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/coronavirus/2020/03/2-lehigh-university-students-test-positive-for-coronavirus.html
  17. On Monday you should drive up to Hazleton and we can ski down Mount Steeze off Lofty Road, where your commemorative plaque was placed. It will be sickbird!
  18. @GrilledSteezeSandwich That was incredible! You and Ski2Live should live stream a rap battle and charge for it. I would pay three fitty. It would be sick!!!
  19. I guess until a vaccine comes out in 18-24 months. Otherwise as soon as everything opens up again, say even 6 months from now, the virus will spread, right?
  20. We'll just have to shitpost on here all evening for entertainment. Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? We can start a discussion thread about funny jokes, like "not doing x anymore... not doing x any less either"; throw in some random ok's; and recap all the funny conversations with Matt Edge this season, since we won't see him 'til November. Maybe @Ski2Live Live2Ski can write a new song, "Wake me up when November ends".
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