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Everything posted by saltyant

  1. I thought he told me he was born in 88 when we met, but then his page says 95... ?
  2. Last year on Interstate 84 eastbound I saw a large ski resort to the right, off in the distance. I didn't know what it was at the time but I'm pretty sure it's Mountain Creek. I'm fine paying $15-$20 but I'm not paying $52 again. Yeah they are amazing so I'm not sure why you're surprised. I would pay at least double that price for them.
  3. Didn't TP4 post a similar meme yesterday when I posted that I would go on a temporary stats strike to support the injustices he's suffered?
  4. Ok, that makes a lot more sense. Thanks for clarifying. I figured it was him or toast.
  5. I'll bring them as a backup in case my RTMs malfunction for some reason. Elons are always good to have.
  6. I like to mix in non-skiing things when I travel. I abhor weekend skiing because of the crowds. I'll add these places to my list, but I've never been to Stowe before so that's new to me.
  7. Shop in Danville. But I saved $300 on my RTMs there so they're good people. Their tune up was a little pricey, but my bases were apparently in really bad shape and he spent 2 hours on it so I guess the price was justified. Maybe I'll stop at Camelback on my way there and see if they can just do a quick wax for $15 or something. I get season pass perks so there's probably a discount. Can't wait to see Mountain Creek on the drive to Vermont.
  8. Nah. I got charged $52 last time. That's too much for me. Maybe I'll look around in Burlington or something for a bargain.
  9. It's a chain in western PA. I don't know if it's pronounced Eat and Park or Eating Park, so I just call it Eat-and-Park. Pretty close but I usually drink orange juice.
  10. Wait a minute. I don't think Matt Edge would ask that. GrilledSteezeSandwich did you really get that question from Matt Edge or are you just messing with us??
  11. Here's the forecast for Stowe... so damn sick!!! What an improvement from the last few weeks. Feel like I hit the snow lottery after being pessimistic all winter long. Going to get dumped on just like you guys did in Jackson Hole. This time I'm only lodging a few miles away. Last year I stayed at the hotel during a snowstorm because I was afraid to drive from Rutland to Killington over route 4. The next day was one of my favorite days skiing ever, so it turned out fine.
  12. In 24 hours once I confirm with TP4's attorneys that his stats from today have remained unedited.
  13. I'm going to the Eat and Park and I'm planning to eat breakfast for dinner. Just remembered I am getting toast because I am sure toast is going to come in any second to yell at us for posting. But this thread has my name in it so I think I'm allowed to post whatever I want.
  14. Never been there. I enjoy walking around small towns and just checking out everything. I go in and out of gift shops and sometimes ask the sales people questions, but I don't think I've ever actually bought anything.
  15. Yes but tell him to hit that run early because it goes to hell really fast.
  16. You said matt edge wanted to know how King Tut is so I provided as much details as he would need to make a decision. I think spaces use bandwidth so I don't want to waste any of that so the owner of this site can continue to provide this forum for free and without ads.
  17. I'm not planning to ski on Sunday. Way too crowded, and it's $94 for tickets in advance and $131 at the window. I think I'll go to Burlington and check the town out, and then drive around and do touristy things. I'll be skiing 5 days in a row in epic powder conditions.
  18. King Tut is probably the best blue trail at Camelback, possibly even in the world. After you ride the Sullivan Trail to the top of the mountain, you have to work your way across some flat terrain, and what might even be a slight uphill grade. Before you pass the top of the Bailey Chair, take note of the sign that says "intermediates/experts only" that is on the left side of the trail. Before beginning the steep part, you can observe snowboarders sitting on the benches on the left, taking a break after exhaustively making their way across grueling flat terrain by using one leg, and then having to rebind once again, just like they do before beginning every single run. After passing the benches, you can look off in the distance and see Interstate 80, the magical passageway to Camelback, and there's a small bridge on the horizon. Now the steep part of the piste begins, and you need to keep your speed under control. Typically the left side of the trail is in better shape than the right side. The right side tends to have more small piles of powder, which can make turning difficult for low level intermediate skiers. On the right side take note of The Hump, which I consider to be the most difficult slope at Camelback because it's always a sheet of ice for some reason, and there's a turn to the right whereas all other black diamonds (except for Pharaoh, a true black) are straight runs before they dump into other challenging black diamond trails. Shortly thereafter, you'll hit the famous elbow, where you can pause on the flat part of the trail and peer down below at the magnificent hotel and water park. It really is a nice view. Then the real steep part of the trail begins, but it's pretty wide so you can generally avoid most of the gapers that should stick to Coolmoor. This part of the trail can also be icy, like The Hump, but is generally not even remotely close to The Hump in terms of iciness. This part of the trail is crucial to gaining enough speed to rocket back down to Sullivan Lift without needing to use your polls or put any effort into moving forward. Next you look to skier's left to check for traffic coming off Birches, and then you can zoom into The Meadows, which is very wide like Snowshed at Killington, and is a slow zone so make sure if you're going over the speed limit to always check for po po. Near the end of The Meadows, you'll see the lodge and can check the time if you can still read the old fashioned analog clock, and then after making a sharp right, you'll have just enough speed to get back into the single's line as long as you gained enough momentum at Upper King Tut's. It truly is an epic run, and make sure you pass this information on to matt edge so he will strongly consider buying a 2018-2019 Super Pass and then we can ski King Tut all winter long and also maybe even Uncle Bill's Way.
  19. Yep, that's how I am. I like hanging out with people to an extent, but I truly enjoy the independence of doing things myself. I made a solo trip out west for 3 weeks and was never bored or felt the need to have to drag someone along with me to do things I'm interested in and they're not. If I'm in the mood I talk to people, mostly fellow tourists. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing things alone sometimes, even though some people might think it's odd.
  20. I'm pretty sure you said matt edge is strongly considering buying a Camelback Superpass for next season, so I'm thinking we'll go there and do some runs on Uncle Bill's way to practice for Verbier.
  21. Oh ok, I was a gaper back then when I was skiing Elons and now that I'm on RTMs I'm no longer a gaper but since you posted this you're saying I should wear my Elons on gaper day to relive my gaper days. Thanks.
  22. Actually, Camelback's price is $599 for ages 30-64 and Blue's is $449.
  23. Thanks. I'll have to do a price comparison to Camelback's. I think there's is only $399 but Blue's costs $449.
  24. I guess I'm leaving Saturday. All this damn snow is going to make it hard to drive Sunday so now I need to stay an extra day. Stupid snow.
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