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Everything posted by saltyant

  1. Nope though I saw it from the downtown area. Before my 1 pm flight I slept in late, made an impromptu stop at an air force base museum, and had an air traffic control tower call the cops on me for inappropriate plane spotting. I swear I was in compliance with the sign... it said "No stopping beyond this point" and I was right in front of that sign!! So I wasnt even stopped past the point...
  2. It's nucking futs. The top of McConkey's lift at Park City is only 2.75 miles from the base of Brighton. Yet it was a 44 mile drive from Park City to Brighton. Cray cray.
  3. I cant wait to hear about @eaf's experience going through KSLC airport.
  4. I bought a box of generic Cheerios which were delicious. Then I somehow managed to obtain a free styrofoam bowl and plastic spoon which I kept all week in a bagel bag. Next I got my free daily milk carton from the hotel if I asked nicely. And finally a banana to slice up and put in my cereal, except I couldn't manage to locate a plastic knife so I ate it whole.
  5. Wow, you're so lucky that you're allowed to get your own breakfast items. At the one Holiday Inn I stayed at in Midvale, I experienced pure idiocracy. Instead of filling my own coffee thermos, an attendant filled a cup for me; I poured the cup in my thermos (filling it to the top); and then the attendant threw the cup in the garbage. I'm so glad they're being resourceful and conscious of environmental waste... you know for our "safety". Despite a huge breakfast area where adults (not toddlers) could be trusted to space out and get their items, instead we had to interact with an attendant and everyone bunched together in a line through the lobby waiting for the attendant to hand them some cheap and subpar breakfast items. Home2Suites was far better and had a normal breakfast area for grown ups.
  6. I liked Brighton a lot, but I liked Snowbasin better for its longer runs. Brighton has the better mountainous scenery though. Next time I'll check out Solitude. The center of the mountain is fun if the lines weren't so long, but I think it attracts less advanced skiers (hence the long lines) since the runs seemed to be less steep.
  7. I had the same exact experience with lift lines a month ago. Crest Express was always ridiculously long compared to the others. Snake Creek Express had a line but it was shorter than Crest Express. Milly Express usually had either no line or a short 1-2 minute wait. Great Western Express never had any lines whatsoever no matter the time of day. Majestic Lift was the slooooowest lift I've ever ridden, I think, and it only goes up halfway.
  8. @Benm Short video skiing with BenM... he was way way faster than me even on 80s skis. Rad!
  9. I wonder what's happening at Brighton today @eaf???
  10. Ever watch the South Park ski episode when they go to Aspen for "free" but constantly get trapped into a timeshare presentation (e.g. via the chairlift)? It's grate!
  11. I think you need skins? Walking up Paradise in ski boots sounds like the suck. I cant imagine that being enjoyable at all.
  12. Everything seems to work, but figuring out what button to click next isnt very straightforward or intuitive.
  13. Correct. Ikon has Boyne Mountain in upper Michigan with its whopping 500 feet of vert. How many non-locals are going to travel to Boyne over anything west? Probably zero. I think Camelback is the largest mountain that's less than a 2 hr drive from Manhattan. In 2019, the NYC metro area had a population of 8.4 million and $90,043 GDP per capita. That's a lot of potential Ikon passholders
  14. Perhaps Ikon wants Camelback as a feeder mountain, and their target market is wealthy people from NYC and NJ?
  15. It's much better starting there. You can park so so close to Milly lift and the groomers are outta this world
  16. I give likes if the posts are good, not based on who the poster is 💁‍♂️
  17. Blue needs to get on the ball and get on Epic pass
  18. I think I saw Solitude from the Milly Lift. Anyway, the Milly Lift is the best part of Brighton in my opinion. You should love the groomers off that. In fact there are many many fantastic groomers accessible from each lift that are a ton of fun.
  19. Correct. Ar Snowbasin I got my lift ticket from a yirt.
  20. I know that feeling. After I fell hard at Park City I was shaken up a bit and started making really dumb mistakes all day from my nerves. After that, the next 4 days I was confident again and skied just fine 🤷🏻‍♂️
  21. Wow you're living fancy. I'm too cheap to pay for mountain side lodging and a rental car.
  22. Are you at Snowbasin today? I think you said Snowbasin two days and Brighton one day?
  23. Not surprised as I was paying $46 to night ski at Roundtop about 5 years ago. Vail seems to want people to buy their passes, and charging high lift ticket prices kinda moves people towards passes. I'll have to revisit Roundtop next season now that I am Epic.
  24. They've been charging insanely high prices all season, and people have been happily paying them
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