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Everything posted by AirheadD8

  1. They're shooting for the 19th as closing , I'm not sure about midweek schedule after this weekend .
  2. Hopefully I’ll get some Mank turns early tomorrow.
  3. I would have had a better memory of the place except I had two gay guys ask me to share a room. I declined sternly.
  4. Banff Springs Hotel . Looks like the same Architect
  5. https://www.ebay.com/itm/394468806663?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=394468806663&targetid=1264870805264&device=m&mktype=&googleloc=9006933&poi=&campaignid=14859008593&mkgroupid=130497710760&rlsatarget=pla-1264870805264&abcId=9300678&merchantid=426098375&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh9I4pm08-Y63SJPNaWrj7ANw&gclid=CjwKCAiAmJGgBhAZEiwA1JZolmMEGhjh3YPcvyt2vHJE0GxQW6z-NeIFNPnt84i3AKkCHKhL6TonQRoCPxUQAvD_BwE He can drop these, sound effects are a bonus.
  6. I like it very much! Very comfy and kudos for getting it open this season. This song came to mind watching all the snowboarders walling from Burma . They’ll probably address this over the summer
  7. Definitely a great day! Thanks for the pass Salty first few runs were a bit drizzly. Had some warp speed runs early with the PASR gang. Sun popped out for a short time in the afternoon. After a beer in the parking lot I headed back to ski bump’s which were awesome. Skied with the bump crew for a while. All the young bucks bailed leaving the geriatric crew . Myself Paul and Marvin quit around 2:30 after my legs had enough. Beers in the lot with Paul and mbMike . Pauls brother got married in VT and there were some leftover beers . Left 3:30 ish
  8. You just teed one up for Salty🧐 Bear creek had some snow coming down around 3:30 . I threw my stuff in to take some runs but bailed. I picked up my son around 7:15 I was surprised at the amount of people skiing in the rain.
  9. Unfortunately it's not very fast so you might not be able to outrun ski patrol .
  10. I’ll be there Saturday with the “Chair for Death 2.0” thanks for the buddy pass salty.
  11. Nice, how is the snow holding up? I haven’t been around for a while.
  12. https://mishtalk.com/economics/largest-us-grid-supplier-warns-of-an-energy-shortage-due-to-undeliverable-mandates Buddy of mine who works in power generation sent me this ,bad news if you only ride lifts . The good news is if you uphill you'll be in great shape .
  13. Is that an abandoned car ? It’s in all your pictures.
  14. Left Nesquehoning 4:30 moderate snow Allentown nothing but now heavy snow 1/2” southern lehigh country.,
  15. Wow 3years ! I I remember paying $250.00 for 10k vertical. I was two and a half runs ,the weather turned sketchy on the way out. The clouds were obscuring the peaks but the pilot was great and knew the area really well. We cleared the last pass with 200’ . This happened the day before we went. Owner of Sunshine Village. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Thomas_Scurfield My last run near the bottom I started a small slide in a drainage on the way back to the helicopter.
  16. Very cool, I was in Banff in 1985 and the only 3 options were Noriquay , Sunshine and Louise. It hadn’t snowed for two weeks so we didn’t hit Noriquay . Sunshine was getting some snow due to the Chinook winds. Always wondered what Noriquay would be like. Thanks for the stoke! We Heliskied one day which was awsome, we flew up the Srpray river valley,they picked us up in Canmore behind a restaurant. The town was a really sleepy place then but now looks pretty upscale now.
  17. Winter…..better late than never. Blue looks like 3-5”
  18. Yeah I was behind a Patroller friend one night at Camelback we were cooking pretty good . The wind was blowing steady which sent the new snow pretty far away from the guns. The technique was stay upwind close to the guns at least that was the plan on paper. Until one gun malfunctioned and put out water. I can still see him flying through the air and his skis stuck to the ground. Fortunately I jumped over the bad spot. He was hurting but nothing broken. Glad your foot is better.
  19. F lift ski on till I left. B lift 2 minutes. Maybe it’s longer now but I got there early only skied for a little while. Snow was extremely variable, kept the legs stiff to prevent front seat/ backseat.
  20. Fun couple hours this morning getting glazed by the snow guns. Nice to be scraping my goggles off again and brushing the chair cushions before sitting down. Any other season I’d be whining about inconvenience. Got to use my Head gloves thumb feature, perfect for cleaning of the lenses. Sasquatch was nice but with one of the carpet slopes was closed so I couldn’t lap Sasquatch. Cool wave clouds , mentally surfing them.
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