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Everything posted by AirheadD8

  1. On the passenger side dashboard. The last thing I put in my pocket. Getting old I guess. I’m taping a spare underneath somewhere tonight. Well if you crash a knock yourself out in the woods somewhere your friends/ family can send help if you have locations turned on. I have a patroller friend at Camelback and on the closing sweep he found someone out cold 50’ into the woods. Lucky they spotted him !
  2. I had an existential crisis today… Pulled in 8:45 booted up , wallet phone in one pocket pass by itself in pants, keys in small pocket? Keys ? Fff . I was only planning an hour but my subconscious decided otherwise. I’ll call AAA in an hour 😁 TCS was awesome I was first few down. Sun at my back and could see nice smoky shadow trailing behind . I don’t roam if I find good snow that’s not boring. The bumps on the lower section are reforming. One run on Barneys as I noticed last night that they blew some refresh . Barneys was firm and fast.Back to TCS then my phone rang $&&@! Wish I could have stayed around longer! Beautiful day!
  3. Dillon Dam Brewery, Great food and Beer. Was there two summers ago . My son and daughter-in-law rented a pontoon boat as a late Father’s Day present. We spent 4 hours fishing and didn’t catch a thing but I didn’t care as the scenery was spectacular. The houses along one reservoir branch were built on a crazy cliff. We stopped there afterwards, our server was busy and a Brewmaster helped out , he noticed my sons Emmaus T shirt. He was from Philly area. Small world lol.
  4. Great repotting….eye roll. Maybe it needs a new flux capacitor.
  5. The top third of the mountain was rock solid and as the day progressed it worked it's way lower . My last run down Barneys I stopped at the beginning pitch were the bumps start and could only plant my pole 1" . Time to quit, the last row of bumps was still a little soft but lower main was really nice . That's usually my least favorite spot on the mountain I like to let it roll after the bumps and there always seems to be some cookies or odd rollers but not yesterday . I'm keeping my equipment in my vehicle from now on I had no plan to go yesterday but schedule opened up .
  6. Haha One of these days I should take a lesson.
  7. Surprisingly good day considering. One survival run down Freefall . Went down Barneys and stayed there the rest of the afternoon. It was comical watching the 6 pack top shack lifties come out the door and walking like penguins then slide down. I took one run down Freefall when I spotted the guns running. Should be sweet tomorrow although no bumps Stay out da trench for a little while a couple lurking rocks.
  8. Empty. , Ice breaks off the quad cushion with a smack or two. Sleeting a bit so valleys ok .
  9. Mid day audible. First run on freefall ….horrifying sounds of unyielding chord . Ditch survived with some thin spots. Second run over to Barneys. Un expectantly fun Thinking I’ll stick around till things turn glacial.
  10. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/02/02/groundhog-day-milltown-mel-dies/ Phil had "No Comment"
  11. Wait till you try putting them on in a 20mph wind 😁Mine are 9yrs old and still work well. The rubber bungee type hook works on both sets of skis.
  12. Saw a 5ver this morning. Math shouldn’t be that hard for people who can afford to ski.
  13. Lol that’s when I was eyeing the nylon fence and contemplating whether or not I can limbo. I was halfway up the corral. Then it started again. The trash clean up crew was coming down and they did a fine job . No cans or crap leftover. Decided to run up for a morning session hoping for 3hrs but work world found me and only managed an hour. I wanted to see what the Freefall bumps look like in the morning. Ok but the light was flat on skiers right and was some ice lurking and it was scraped down a bit. I was planning on a return this evening but work killed that idea $&@“$!!!. So I went home and drank some beer. “ Double Blizzard “
  14. AirheadD8

    Elk 1/22/22

    Just think Big Pizza. It’s probably the steepest slope on the mountain but doesn’t bump up too much underneath the lift.
  15. I was curious and did some homework . My daily drivers are old Dukes and they weigh a freaking ton 3lbs 1oz a piece . My other setup is Dynafit Radical ST's that weigh 1lb 3 oz . I see the PT's weigh 2lbs 11oz but I'm not sure how much weight is reduced by removing the toe piece . I found out the hard way the extra weight is a killer if you go any lengthy distance . Especially old and overweight like me . Having a toe release mechanism is worth some extra sweat I believe. Salomon shift is a little under 2lbs but doesn't look as beefy as the markers. JMHO
  16. Yep , Eminent Domain screwed lots of people and never built the project . https://www.nps.gov/dewa/learn/historyculture/tocks-island-dam-controversy.htm
  17. I’ve flown over that precipice many times and every time I do my mind wonders “What if ?” There’s about a thousand feet of rock hanging above a choke point in the river. If it collapses and adds a 200’ elevation to the river at that point? … Tocks island dam 2.0 😳😳😳😳😳😳
  18. One rock every 50’ Oh well nice day to be out anyway.
  19. Coming soon, Freefall ,skiers left. Or whatever name the Commies are calling the trail today 😄
  20. Looks like Water gap from the Pa. Side?
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