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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. Jackson Hole loves Ikon passholders!
  2. Congratulations! Are you gonna move or just commute?
  3. Fingers crossed, as it would help push PA. Unfortunately no grow your own.
  4. No, not enough depth on Challenge. I dunno why they didn't seed Chute, it had plenty of snow.
  5. Masa typically throws a double-twister, spread.
  6. Probably not without crashing anymore. Now they're called 3s, as in 360. Helicopter was back in the 80's.
  7. Comp will be on final Razors headwall. They'll probably have that closed off and make you connect over to Challenge. Top section of Razors will be open with (hopefully) a few lines on skier's right from tbt. I think they put the kabosh on bumps on Razorback.
  8. Razors should have bumps tbt.
  9. I believe that's where they're going to have it. Last year, the section before the first jump was far too long, which is a waste because the judges were at the bottom and couldn't see any turns above the jump anyway. We suggested only having like 3 bumps above the first jump, which also keeps speed into jump down. Not many have jumping experience anyway, so for the majority it's a waste, some even go around the jump. Cut down to 1 jump, which I heard they're gonna do, but not confirmed. Last year they had a second jump at the bottom which had a totally flat landing and many crashed because of it, not to mention it being a painful landing.
  10. I heard tell of the course layout and not too wound up about it. We made suggestions to Glen on how it should be set up, but it sounds like he ignored them. Supposedly they're going to set it Thursday, then let some ski it Friday, which is another mistake, as it can be skied in Saturday morning. Have to wait to see what they do with it. If it's a cluster, not going to enter.
  11. I was wondering why he was looking at me like that!
  12. https://www.nj.com/marijuana/2019/03/final-legal-weed-deal-reached-murphy-top-dems-resolve-final-sticking-point-and-could-hold-big-vote-soon.html
  13. Geez! https://oldies935.iheart.com/featured/bill-williams/content/2019-03-11-third-skier-dies-at-hunter-mountain-this-year/?fbclid=IwAR2gKZgSc55DS9J0y5-YhwdnuboMc2SIxikjbI-nJCm8x2WqLFOeuwYHWko
  14. I had some medicine once before a CAT scan that made my anus and throat burn.
  15. Those lifts are constantly being refurbished, every time they let it break down, they get new parts for it!
  16. Bring back Bo as well!
  17. I also heard rumors of getting rid of/replacing Vista chair since it's so old, with something that goes all the way to the bottom, but I just can't see that. What would they do for early season skiing? The same with taking Main Street all the way to the bottom. They'd have to make more snow to open. Or, perhaps, if they did take Main all the way to the bottom, they could have all ski operations in the Valley, leaving the Summit just for "entertaining/weddings".
  18. Jeff go low end? Perish the thought!
  19. We use it because of the lines at the high-speed chairs that everyone uses on the weekends, when even the VIP lines are long. Plus you don't have to deal with Shuttle and the mess outside the readers at the 6.
  20. Not to mention that Blue one that's parked at the end of the row every weekend...
  21. Replacing the doubles with a detachable, high-speed quad would be sweet, although it would dump more traffic onto Main Street. NEW PAGE!!!
  22. We don't need no stinkin' ambiance in the valley. If you want ambiance, take it to the summit lodge!
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