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I've never hit one of those before but it honestly looks like a great way to overcomplicate things and possibly hurt yourself even more, like foam pits can sometimes be. What happens if you land on your head (probably get just as hurt)? What if you get tangled up with your skis and they don't eject and rip your knees to shreds? What if your skis do eject and you fall on them going into the bag, or they fall on you? What happens if you go too gnar off the lip and send it too far to the left or right and not land in the middle? Maybe I just need to hit it/see someone else hit it but I'm honestly more scared to send it into that thing than I am to send it on a real jump.


I know what you're saying, but anyone that would have the courage to hit it would know what he/she are doing. Accidents happen and I landed on my head last year but it's a cushion landing it hurt but I just shook it off and kept at it. I'm sure if that was on snow I would have been in the e.r.


It still could be dangerous if that person is careless and inexperienced but it's safer than taking it right to the snow.

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justin, from what i heard, it's a great way to learn tricks. justo and kt were hitting it a bunch last year and loved it. i'm sure justo will chime in and tell you about it.

it intrigues me but at the same times scares the shit out of me. of all my years at woodward ive seen kids get seriously fucked up in foam pits...I smashed my face open in one a few years back too. I just get nervous about the whole landing on your equipment and vice versa type situation. ill probably wind up hitting this and probably liking it sometime before the season is over...

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Bag on skiis is scary. I have a fear of being punctured by a ski. On a board its not too bad though. You can definitely get wrecked on it though. I'm glad to hear there's an actual lip on it this year. Have a few wild ideas ive been playing in over in my head. See you's all early January!

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Seems like a full face might be a good idea.....I'm old though and my vagina is filled with sand so I think I'll pass.


There is a gymnastics place near spring mtn called Mary's or Rosie's or something like that, the will let you hit their massive foam pit for like 15$ a night.

Edited by Johnny Law
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Seems like a full face might be a good idea.....I'm old though and my vagina is filled with sand so I think I'll pass.


There is a gymnastics place near spring mtn called Mary's or Rosie's or something like that, the will let you hit their massive foam pit for like 15$ a night.

sylvia's. don't go there unless you want to feel like a pedo. a group of 6 guys in their 20s walking in to a room filled with 8 year olds definitely got some strange looks from the parents...

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Im not getting into price cause im sure theres a huge difference but i think they just bought the wrong kind of bag.

Oblong shaped sack filled with air = lake blob

Square properly ventilated to deflate correctly upon landing = safe.





and foam pit at copper destroys knees.

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there are two chambers to it. the bottom one stays inflated to give you some guaranteed distance from the ground, and the top one deflates. once there's some snow/water on top of the thing, it's pretty slippery, so if you land awkward you usually slide it out anyway so it doesnt really hurt. granted, if you land straight on your dome, you're gonna be in sorry shape regardless of what you're landing on unless it's 3 feet of fresh snow.

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