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Okay, i just checked the weather for saturday :angry: High of 62, low of 42 with scattered showers W/e. i'm still going, but on to a more important question. What to wax with. This is what i have in my arsenal:

OBJ all temp

Swix glider warm wax- rated for 32degF/Warmer


OBJ Black magik summer slush wax,which is all temp with "flouropolymer graphite additive"


And of course, the inevitable OBJ glow wax


Are there any special waxing techniques that i should do so i don't like- stop on the lip. I remember seeing on the glow wax package it said not to scrape. That was for the "glow", but i was wondering if that's a good technique for all warm temp waxes? :confused


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whoever doesnt want to wear a helmet, i'll just flat out say it. its dumb to not wear a helmet when you are riding, especially if you are going to be tossing yourself at obscure metal objects. and about waxing, i would just use a general warm temp wax and wax like normal if you really feel the need to wax at all. the snow thats left at boulder is probably really fast because it will all be that icy granular crap, but some warm wax incase it does get a little soft wouldnt hurt. the reason the glow wax says not to scrape is so the excess wax wears off as you ride, leaving a glowing trail.

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Gurp..Your soo wrong.I bet you the elk kids will be at this comp and they will kill this jared kid on an rail..on montages little like 20 foot rail they were throwing switch 270s on switch up switch up 270 off..450 on the 20 foot box switch up switch up 270 out..they will kill this jared kid...especially on a 40 foot flat rail with a gap on.


..Ill be at the comp.Rockin a Jersey if it isnt raining..If it is im goin to find a really retro wind breaker in my closet.

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Gurp..Your soo wrong.I bet you the elk kids will be at this comp and they will kill this jared kid on an rail..on montages little like 20 foot rail they were throwing switch 270s on switch up switch up 270 off..450 on the 20 foot box switch up switch up 270 out..they will kill this jared kid...especially on a 40 foot flat rail with a gap on.


..Ill be at the comp.Rockin a Jersey if it isnt raining..If it is im goin to find a really retro wind breaker in my closet.

Nick remember the kid with the Crichtons at Boulder, that was Jared. Remeber the Switch 270 disaster on the dfd that was him. Im sure he is just as good on rails as those kids, if not better.

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i'll take that chance, i hate helmets and only wear them when i know im gonna do something stupid or i might be on stuff i never rode before. noone can change my mind.



noooo dont take that chance..please change your mind!!! suck it up and wear a helmet ...pretty please??!!


its like wearing a seat belt..and we've had 3 kids die and 3 others seriously injured in the past three months because they werent wearing their seatbelts..and in those two crashes (one happened on friday...the kid that died...the other kid is in the hospital with serious head trauma..just came out of a coma today...both my neighbors) only the drivers were wearing their seatbelts and could walk away from it with no injury...same concept as helmets.. such a simple thing to do, and soo effective..




and nick....haha umm i beg to differ on the jared thing...heh

oh and jared=jar3d fyi

Edited by megan.
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Nick remember the kid with the Crichtons at Boulder, that was Jared. Remeber the Switch 270 disaster on the dfd that was him. Im sure he is just as good on rails as those kids, if not better.



its not always about how big people go its how well they put down a trick and how tecnical it can get ..... big is not always good bc it looks sloppy most of the time

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Gurp..Your soo wrong.I bet you the elk kids will be at this comp and they will kill this jared kid on an rail..on montages little like 20 foot rail they were throwing switch 270s on switch up switch up 270 off..450 on the 20 foot box switch up switch up 270 out..they will kill this jared kid...especially on a 40 foot flat rail with a gap on.


..Ill be at the comp.Rockin a Jersey if it isnt raining..If it is im goin to find a really retro wind breaker in my closet.


jared's solid, but i'm sure there lots of kids better than him, and also better than the elk kids too. cab 270 switchup 270 off is nothing anymore, sorry, and most anyone who can set a decent spin can 450 onto a box.


i highly doubt a helmet will be on my head since my mom just crocheted a bangin ass hat


you really are ignorant. its honestly just stupid to take how you look in your "bangin ass hat" as being more important than keeping your brains inside your skull where they belong. for your own sake, i hope you dont take any hard falls.

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i have it on camera and let me tell you it doesnt look sloppy, and i highly doubt a helmet will be on my head since my mom just crocheted a bangin ass hat


nooo please wear a helmet

pretty please with sugar on top?!

why wouldnt you?!

i dont understand


oh and yeah ive got a ton of footy of jared too and he is anything but sloppy....

but anyways...please im begging you wear a helmet


normally i wouldnt really care who wears a helmet but these car crashes are really getting to me...if they would have been wearing seatbelts they would have lived...its the little things that make a huge difference


this goes for everyone else competing too.

please wear a helmet..for your own sake..

Edited by megan.
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how fuckin hilarious (yet sad/unfortunate) would it be if wolverine landed on his head or smacked it into the side of the rail at boulder? :lol:


i hope it doesnt happen (really) and i think it WILL have to happen to make you realize how important helmets are.


after my accident, i sort of (not long, but i did) thought about wearing a chest protector when i ski. it couldve helped out a lot.

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after my accident, i sort of (not long, but i did) thought about wearing a chest protector when i ski. it couldve helped out a lot.



funny you said that.....the one time i didnt wear a chest protector when i was dirt biking last year i crashed on a double..i came up short and flipped over and the rear end of the bike landed on my back, footpeg into my stomach...

that was last may and i still have a huge lump on the side of my stomach from the footpeg, and a tire mark all over the back of my jersey.


oh yeah...and please wear a helmet!! pleeasee

Edited by megan.
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I took a few hard hits a couple years back and yea, now I always wear a helmet. But now that I think of it, I do have this BANGIN hat, and I'm sure that would protect my head sooo much more :P .


Shadows, I rode with you that one day at Blue right? Dan?


Megan, when you crashed were you at the Jack Frost Traxx, because I was there like a year or so ago and a girl fell similar to what you explained and had a huge tiremark on her Jersey.

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I took a few hard hits a couple years back and yea, now I always wear a helmet. But now that I think of it, I do have this BANGIN hat, and I'm sure that would protect my head sooo much more :P .


Shadows, I rode with you that one day at Blue right? Dan?


Megan, when you crashed were you at the Jack Frost Traxx, because I was there like a year or so ago and a girl fell similar to what you explained and had a huge tiremark on her Jersey.


umm no i was at this place in Tower City called Rausch Creek...

but ive ridden at traxx before and i was a little disappointed with the intermmediate tracks...not that it matters anymore since its a friggen golf course now haha


but yeah that was painful...

sean please please pleasssee wear a helmet!!! why would you possibly wear one all year but not now?!! i mean, i realize it'll be hot but it'll be better than waking up in a hospital...or not at all

now im gonna go find all the "wear your helmet" threads at ns...please please wear a helmet.......please?!






please please please wear a helmet

Edited by megan.
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