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Everything posted by saltyant

  1. Doesnt look bad at all. I've seen pictures of what looks like 1000 people in line there.
  2. Facebook comments on WMFZ are calling for a ban on skiing/snowboarding, and some are suggesting without any evidence that alcohol was to blame.
  3. We were just talking about this..
  4. Is Challenge ever good? Everytime I ski it it's like skiing on marbles, so I dont even bother.
  5. Nah, I needed a day off. I'll return to Blue next weekend. Have fun in the perder!
  6. I'm so happy for you guys. I'll get to relive my western powder skiing experience vicariously through your pictures and detailed reports tomorrow while bored out of my mind in jury duty.
  7. You take your skis off at the gondola, don't you? So why not if you have to walk uphill or against the wind?
  8. My understanding is Invisible Charc is gift cards, and he was referring to Blue stealing from employees by paying them gift card bucks. ???
  9. It's actually called the Ptarmigan Lift but I have no idea how to spell that without Googling it so I just went with a misspelling of Pomegranate.
  10. Nah man it was too damn cold and windy up there. But the view was breathtaking (couldn't breathe due to high winds). I guess you can see Keystone and Arapahoe? That guy told me you can see Mary Jane (Winter Park) also but I think he was full of it.
  11. That was in the glades... understood. This time I was on groomed trails with uphill sections. I dont see what the big deal is...
  12. I hate when people put the period inside the parenthesis; the period goes after the parenthesis at the end of a sentence.
  13. I just survived a solo excursion into the vast tundra and wilderness of the Colorado Rockies, ascending to some of the highest altitudes and most brutal inhospitable conditions known to man, following in the footsteps of great explorers of the western frontier... and also survived basic economy on American Airlines. These great accomplishments make me a noble warrior rather than "sandy vagina" as you say.
  14. My decision to skate or walk is subject to gradient, snow type, and wind direction and speed.
  15. Yesterday at Loveland I rode the Pomegrante lift with some backcountry mountain man. He pointed out some coyote tracks, talked about some mountain rodent for 5 minutes, and told me at the top of Lift 9 you can take a piss that empties in both the Atlantic and Pacific. Next ride on the Pomeranean lift, rode with him again and he didnt remember riding with me, so i trolled him by talking about all the topics discussed on the previous lift ride. I still dont think he remembered me from the previous ride. He was a really cool dude.
  16. Stayed in Denver and back in NEPA. Looks like my first annual CO ski trip was great success! My luggage didnt get lost, rental car functioned properly, and most importantly didnt get buried in the perder. Thanks for reading, tune in next year for the sequel.
  17. I'll be at Blue next weekend and return your bag (unless you need it sooner). Thanks again!
  18. I'd rather be whatever you think I am than exert myself physically for no reason. Just cuz I dont run 20 miles a day like you!
  19. I dont skate uphill and I'm still alive.
  20. The trail I was on was groomed and literally uphill. It was off lift 9 which is ultra high altitude.
  21. My RTMs were nearby. I hate pole planting/skating so I frequently took them off throughout the day on flat and uphill sections.
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