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Everything posted by saltyant

  1. Maybe I'll go to Stowe again in February. I was just watching some Stowe stoke videos on YouTube. My trip last year was rated 10/10 so Steeze may get another epic trip report.
  2. Getting out of bed is hard. That's my excuse too.
  3. IDK. I thought it was going to rain. 46 is pretty warm to ski, maybe I'll go biking.
  4. I'll have to make a concerted effort to night ski with you guys again and maybe get in some good quotes from The Empire Strikes Back.
  5. Nah I skied on Razor's numerous, numerous times on the last day of the SkiSon. Maybe I "skirted" that one time but I dont really recall. I plan to do the Razor's more this year; I like it better than Challenge in case I fall while you guys are on the lift and then Atomic might call me a gaper.
  6. I didn't go to the True Blue much last year and the first time I did Razors was on closing day, and i dont think you guys left any cord for me.
  7. I'm no gaper and I've never got fresh cord on Razor's, though I've skied cord on Cliffhanger and Marjorie's which is basically the same thing.
  8. Davy Jones came to my hotel in college. It was groovy and far out.
  9. My bad, you did mention you're from Jenkintown when we were on the Sullivan lift and later got our free hot cocoas and sugar cookies for sustenance.
  10. I like how you call it NEPA even though you're from Jersey. In the Hizzle (Hazleton) we pronounce it "Nee-Pah".
  11. Damn I missed a good Lazy day. Lazy was abhorrent yesterday.
  12. Nah I didn't get them. Instead I smuggled in some captain's wafers.
  13. $18 is a bargain for all the food he got. When I went to a Phillies game this summer I think it was $11 just for nachos without cheese.
  14. Thanks, I'm glad my pain and suffering at least served as a warning for others on that treacherous Come Around run.
  15. I was 2 minutes late to the rope drop. I also don't care for Midway, though I'll do it if there's nothing else open.
  16. I had no idea you guys were behind me. Assumed you were on the lift coming up from your Midway run as I was claiming Lazy Mile. Well Played.
  17. True, but I didn't go over a ramp, just the regular trail. I had a lot of speed because it's only a blue square, and I've done Come Around hundreds of times, so I didn't expect such a large slope from snowmaking. Ouch!
  18. Come around should have a warning sign. I got mad air unintentionally and took a hard fall. Thought I broke my back but fortunately just some minor elbow and side pain. At least my RTMs came off especially since i havent had my bindings tested this year. That was the worst part of day. It was rad when I told Nastar Glenn on the lift that I was Salty and he said I'm famous.
  19. Camelback has several hundred people in line on the busiest weekends, so I imagine a 30 minute wait, probably closer to an hour. That Jack Frost deal probably really annoyed season pass holders.
  20. It's worth it to skip the ticket window. I hate having to do that extra step when I go somewhere else, especially when it's a 30 minute wait.
  21. Exactly. And I jumped out of a plane on 8/16/14 so I like to think I have balls of steel.
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