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Everything posted by PSUFrankenstein

  1. I almost always have my snowpants and stuff on - just need to boot up and get on my jacket/gloves/helmet. I'm the same way getting ready for work. I'll get together my lunch and clothes the night before. I'm out the door like 10 minutes after I wake up
  2. I boot up and get ready in like 2 minutes. It's probably easier with snowboard boots than ski boots, but I don't want to waste a ton of time getting ready.
  3. I'm gonna say 11" of snow in Toast's yard...taking the low number and maybe I'll get a free beer
  4. good luck @indiggio and @Mixilplix Looking forward to seeing you guys in the lot (I guess I actually need to make it to Blue first)
  5. My wife said it's been snowing hard in Reading most of the day...not sure if it will amount to anything, but we'll see
  6. It's going to open this weekend after the 18" of snow that's coming - Coming Soon will be renamed Just Came
  7. It would be nice to get a decent snowfall and get to actually take my daughter sledding.
  8. Looks like a good day minus the fog. I was hoping to make it tomorrow but more likely going to be next weekend
  9. Crazy fog this morning. I fished south Jersey till a little after 5 this morning. Had a hard time seeing thru the fog to get home
  10. I bought a new helmet - mine was really old too (probably close to a 2001 helmet). It was a Cyber Monday deal I think - I only paid $ 79 on Evo.com, but it's $ 130 now https://www.evo.com/helmets/smith-mission-mips-helmet#image=135799/713002/smith-mission-mips-helmet-.jpg I went cheap and did the wired Outdoor Tech chips helmet speakers...if they crap out then I'll get a wireless pair, but $ 10 for the speakers was cheap
  11. Glad to hear you're as immature as me haha. One of our customers at work is Cox Communications. A while back, we got a big payment from them and I was discussing it with the treasury manager who said "I'm just gonna sit on Cox for a while"...I couldn't stop laughing
  12. Haha I realize it may not work...just wasn't sure of the process.
  13. So being the first season that I'm actually "renewing" a season pass...My season pass from last year is automatically re-activated? I don't have to visit customer service or anything?
  14. I'm hoping for one of the days this weekend. Taking off Friday isn't likely, but if I don't fish this weekend, I'll be up Saturday or Sunday morning for sure. Or maybe fish Saturday and Blue Sunday depending on how things are at home (if the wife doesn't have plans and my daughter is behaving like a normal human)
  15. Yep - having a season pass there was great since I could just park at the top of the North Face and get right on the snow instead of dealing with walking to the crowded lodge and getting my ticket. The only times I went into the lodge was to use the bathrooms. The pub there (Slocum Hollow) was rarely very crowded.
  16. Agreed. I'm assuming PASR's are taking precautions to avoid COVID so I'm good riding with you guys...just no sharing beers or holding hands on the lift
  17. Pretty cool stuff. I always wanted to make a bench out of a jeep tailgate...unfortunately most of the tailgates in the junkyards are rusty as hell and the only decent ones I ever brought home ended up getting resold
  18. With all the riff raff in this thread I was compelled to give it a 1 star rating.
  19. Probably not friday...work is a shitshow right now...maybe next weekend if I don't fish then.
  20. I'll get together with my wife's parents and my parents (separately), but that's about the extent of my holiday gathering this year. I'm perfectly happy with that. Maybe Blue will care to open and I can even gather with my PASR family in the parking lot (socially distanced of course)
  21. Yeah sounds about the same for me. Depending on what programs are going on we have an on-demand site set up. (at one point we had a contract with Harley-Davidson, which involved about 600 different dealers, so we had a self service site set up). Ours is next day - instant confirmation though if it gets denied/goes through. AMEX is two days, but they like to put holds on some payments and request all sorts of documentation before releasing the funds.
  22. They make credit card readers that hook up to a phone or tablet - not sure what they cost, but I've seen them at beer festivals, farmers markets, etc. being used by small businesses and breweries. Not sure how/if you process credit cards, so you may know this...You can also get access to an online credit card terminal where you can take customer's info in person/online/over the phone and enter it there. Depending on your bank, they may have one that they'll set you up with. Otherwise you can probably find one online. My workplace uses one called WorldPay. They charge a monthly fee + transaction fees (ours is summarized and charged once a month). AMEX can be processed through it but get deposited and charged separately (side note, AMEX can be a pain in the ass to deal with)
  23. I think we need one of these for a cheese ball dispenser. https://www.chewy.com/bergan-wall-mounted-pet-dispenser/dp/56968?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hg&utm_content=Bergan&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQiAk53-BRD0ARIsAJuNhpvc5DSmi9KNGE9ffKaV_-FNZULCP5Oc2KCLSufkJH1MHT6MinnvqdkaAg0NEALw_wcB
  24. yeah we had a good coating of snow - grass, deck, and cars were covered. My daughter was running around playing in it this morning
  25. My daughter's day care just had a confirmed COVID case yesterday. They are shutting down that classroom (1-2 year olds). Kids there are separated by age groups and all the groups are pretty much isolated...but it's probably only a matter of time before her classroom shuts down, especially with the holidays coming up
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